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WAR IMMINENT? Netanyahu Holds Urgent Military Meeting As IDF Hits Hezbollah With Waves Of Airstrikes [VIDEOS]

Prime Minister Netanyahu is currently conducting a security consultation with senior ministers and defense leaders at the Kirya in Tel Aviv. During the meeting, Israeli military officials are expected to present various strategies for the northern front, addressing the escalating threat posed by Hezbollah.

Earlier, the IDF announced a series of airstrikes targeting Hezbollah launchers and terrorist infrastructure in southern Lebanon. Acting on intelligence from the IDF, fighter jets struck around 30 Hezbollah launch sites containing approximately 150 launcher barrels that were prepared to fire projectiles at Israeli territory.

In addition to the launchers, the strikes hit Hezbollah infrastructure and a weapons storage facility in several areas. IDF artillery also targeted the Naqoura region.

Lebanese media report that the IDF has launched a new wave of airstrikes in southern Lebanon, focusing on the Mahmoudiyeh area. Reports indicate that over 50 targets have been hit in less than an hour. These airstrikes come amid a heavy rocket barrage striking northern Israel.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. If there is a war, Israel will have to start it, and there is probably no time like the present. Hezbollah and its allies want to seriously annoy the Israelis, but they will wait six months by which the American president will either be someone who quietly supports them, or who while making loud threats is ideologically opposed to foreign military intervention.

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