WATCH: Thousands Of Dati Leumi Yeshiva Students Sing And Dance As Nearly 4,000 Hezbollah Terrorists Are Blown Up

Thousands of Dati Leumi Yeshiva students were filmed singing and dancing in dozens of major Yeshivos around Eretz Yisroel, Tuesday.

The boys broke into joyous singing as word spread of the high number of deaths and wounded in the “Hezbollah pager explosions”.

As of this posting, nearly 4,000 Hezbollah terrorists have been maimed or killed in the attacks.

Hezbollah members recently began using the pagers that exploded after the group’s leader ordered them to stop using cell phones over concern that Israeli intelligence could track the devices.

Experts have shared two competing theories as to how hundreds of pagers could have exploded simultaneously.

One theory is that there was a cybersecurity breach, causing the pagers’ lithium batteries to overheat and detonate.

Another is that this was a “supply chain attack,” where the pagers were tampered with during the manufacturing and shipping process.

Regardless, this was an incredible operation by the Israeli Mossad – despite that Israel has not yet commented on the incident.











(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

27 Responses

  1. Not sure if this is an advisable post. When they are successful with their eitzos raos, we are so incensed when they pile on by celebrating. and this website is among those that criticizes the celebrations of the hamon am. How is this any different? Yes we were successful with Hashem’s help, gevaldig!! but filming and spreading singing and dancing? I’m not sure that doesn’t qualify as Giri b’inei hasatan.

  2. Uh this is a peladiga zach! Riboinoi Shel Oilem we get message ! Thank you for the hug and friendly reminder that you have our back! Let us take this to heart and be inspired!

    This is mamash like Makas Tzfardeia – all over the place: in the comfort of their homes; at the grocery store; at a ‘simcha’ –> boom !

  3. Agree with #1

    Have the YWN editors lost their minds?

    Please remove the page ASAP

  4. Well we did read פרשת זכור this past שבת and today is exactly 1/2 year to the very day from פורים so much appropriate time to witness downfall of an acrh enemy

  5. I agree with Midwesterner. Of course we’re happy for a victory against terrorism. But we are still in the midst of a war, and these videos are not going to help us win it. To the contrary, these videos at best make the Jewish people look like we are no better than the terrorists we are fighting who glorify violence, and at worse, they endanger Jewish lives by needlessly provoking our enemies.

  6. I echo midwestener’s sentiments. We are disgusted when Palestinian families and children celebrate our tragedies. We are not that way. B’nifol Oyivcha ahl Tismach. We thank Hashem, but don’t make public displays like that. We don’t lower ourselves to that level. We don’t celebrate death and injuries of enemies even when necessary to carry out.
    But it certainly should not be publicly displayed and disseminated through YWN or any other forum.
    May we be zoche to the Geulah Shleima B’korov, and then we will celebrate the great nikomoh that Hashem will take upon our enemies.

  7. Given that some of those seriously injured were collateral damage and had little or no connection with “Hezbolah”, the optics of these celebratory photos are really terrible and don’t reflect well on the common sense of the celebrants. YWN frequently posts disgusting photos of Arab celebrations after terrorist attacks on civilians in EY. We are better and should act accordingly.

    (Mishlei, chapter 11, verse 10).

    So why are the Charedim not celebrating the downfall of our wicked genocidal terrorist Amalekite enemies?

  9. All of these yeshivot lost talmidim, HY’D, and have many injured talmidim. Those sitting comfortably in the USA and seeing avlah in EY should think again.

  10. Please don’t only not remove it but please keep posting more and more videos. We’re not talking about civilians being killed over here..

  11. I’m Israeli. You all have lost your minds. The simple truth is that we do not celebrate the deaths of innocents, as the Arabs do, but the deaths and downfall of the wicked, Hezbollah terrorists. And we well ought to. If one does not celebrate the victory over evil, they have no business celebrating the downfall of Haman and all other wicked. We are thrilled that Hashem has helped rid the world of these sinners.

  12. When the enemy attacks, and they give out sweets in the streets of the Arab Cities, we shout how terrible it is.
    So why would you think it is clever to post this….

    Besides for the clear Issur D’Orayso of Aivoh – I guess YWN doesn’t follow Halacha or Torah. Not sure why they are still referred to as a Charedi Publication.

  13. There is no issur doraysa of איבה.
    חז”ל instituted it after learning the lesson the hard way, 1900 years ago, when the Yidden antagonized the goyim, and it didn’t end well at all.

    אתרנגולא ותרנגולתא חרוב ביתר
    אשקא דריספק חרוב טור מלכא

  14. Totally agree you should take down this article. It’s horrible when our enemies dance and celebrate after any of our own are attacked. We should NOT be publicizing any celebrations of our own when our enemies suffer losses. This only adds fuel to the current raging fire of anti-semitism.
    Rather, we should be thankful to HKBH, and daven that we merit much more, even , dare we dream, the complete geulah and end of all of our suffering! Bimhaira b’yameinu!

  15. At first I was thinking this is no different than what they do, celebrating and handing out candies, but then I realized there’s a huge difference. What they are celebrating is death of civilians, what the yeshiva students are celebrating is stopping terrorists, who would have tried to ch”v. We mourn any loss of life of civilians, and are saddened that it had to come to this, but most definitely grateful to Hashem, like by kriyas yam suf.

  16. Midwesterner and others (TorahJew) – we celebrate the death of terrorists. They celebrate the death of innocent men women and children. That is the difference. The people Israel kids are murderers and plan the murder of innocents. The people they kill are just innocents. They are celebrating a successful military operation whereas the terrorists and their supporters celebrate murder.

  17. It seems to me that it is a mischaracterization to say that anyone here is “celebrating the death of terrorists” – rather, they are singing songs of thanks and praise to Hashem – for saving us. Some are Tefilos for the future. There is a subtle but important distinction.

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