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LISTEN: Father Of Murdered Hostage Ori Danino Hy”d Confronts Netanyahu During Shiva Visit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was confronted by Elchanan Danino, the father of murdered hostage Ori Danino hy”d, during the shiva for his son.

Ori, 25, had endured 11 months of captivity by Hamas in underground tunnels before being killed alongside five other hostages as the IDF closed in on a rescue attempt.

Elchanan Danino criticized Netanyahu for the political divisions in Israel, appearing to refer to the Prime Minister’s efforts to overhaul the Supreme Court, which sparked months of protests before the devastating Hamas attack on October 7th.

“You people on high have to stop dealing with nonsense and stirring up fights and disagreement,” Danino said to Netanyahu. “Without unity, we don’t deserve this country; there will be no rebuilding without this land.”

Danino urged Netanyahu to reflect on his leadership and the values guiding his decisions. “Shut your office for 10 minutes a day and think about where your Jewish values are… spend time alone with your creator and think, where is God in your picture, where are your Jewish values?” he asked.

“This disaster happened because of the division and schisms. It’s as clear as the sun… There is no price on human life,” Danino said.

Danino also held Netanyahu directly accountable for the situation in Gaza, saying, “My son was murdered in a tunnel that you built on your watch [by allowing funds and materials into Gaza]… You’ve been in power for many years. The concrete and the dollars went in on your watch.”

Netanyahu responded by referring to the complex challenges he faces, including pressure from global and local forces. “I won’t tell you what goes on behind closed doors… I was alone… Against the whole world. Facing the president of the United States and people here, and facing military elements here… It’s not only Hamas. It’s not only Hezbollah. It’s an atomic weapon they’ll drop here on all of us.”

Danino remained critical, responding, “You didn’t do it [tackle Hamas] for 15 years…. You did nothing.”

Netanyahu attempted to defend his record, but Danino cut in, saying, “Did you come here to listen or to be listened to? Because what you have to say we’ve heard for 15 years.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. 100%, been saying the same about Bibi even before Simchas Torah.

    Bibi can’t even get the name staight of the one who he’s supposedly offering condolences calling him Yochanan.
    At least his wife is clerly loyal.

  2. The Daninos’ seem to communicate mostly from anguish. They are very poignant and their situation is very sad, but how negligent was Bibi in truth? In hindsight, it does turn out that the IDF and the higher-ups had plenty of evidence to act on, but it’s unfortunately difficult to truly know how many layers deep this evidence was and how credible it appeared when it reached Bibi and others in the upper military bureaucracy at that time. If our traditionally-oriented elected and strategic leaders were encouraged and supported with greater acceptance for the good that they already do –– and Bibi has done quite a lot, the leadership might have had more settledness and calm to recognize the truth of what was being plotted for on October 7. Related to this is the Israel Supreme Court, its one-sided, dictatorial issues are formidable and real, and those who seek to accept or protect its current chaotic state, only tend to usurp traditional Torah-oriented and true democratic values, and the ability for responsible leadership to run a country in its other facets. The imbalance of power such as the Supreme Court there now bullies and meddles with erodes the solid foundations needed to lead a country.

  3. Bibi is he bes…shut father…..Chareidi Amite…shut up….you are all convicts shame on you……you just need to say no to muslims and Arabs and gentiles and Americans….start now…..Shame on you how you treat Israeli’s….shame …give all pure israelis’ a hug…… the American fools…shut your faces and leave Israel alone

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