Cabinet Moving Ahead With Expulsion/Compensation Plan II

gush1.jpgMinister Chaim Ramon on Sunday will move ahead presenting his plan for the next expulsion/compensation plan, speaking of addressing those residents of Yehuda and Shomron who are willing to leave their homes for compensation. There is talk of offering such people a settlement of NIS 1 million, to relocate inside the Green Line.

The impetus of the move began with MKs Avshalom Vilan (Meretz), Colette Avital (Labor) and Ami Ayalon (Labor), who are in contact with European Union officials, who are signaling that moving ahead with a plan to rid Yehuda and Shomron of its Jewish population would enjoy EU support and possibly funding.

The main coalition partner, Labor, has already indicated it supports the move, with party leader Defense Minister Ehud Barak announcing another expulsion/compensation plan is part of the party’s major platform issues. Following a meeting on Friday of party leaders, Barak stated it was a step in the right direction and he and his colleagues will support it.

Shas on the other hand is strongly opposed, even expressing its opposition to the idea of discussing another expulsion.

Ironically, on Thursday, State Attorney General Menachem Mazuz released a statement that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert must be cautious during this “unique” time period, signaling he should not set his sights on major political processes as his days in office are rapidly winding down.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. THE TORAH/JEWISH/RELIGIOUS WORLD IS IN A SLUMBER. Do you hear what is being discussed? Do you understand the seriousness of the issue? Goodbye to yeshivas, kollels, shuls, hospitals and of course families blessed with children.
    JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS wake up! A few yrs ago we thought this was only talk for the sake of talk. After the Gaza evacuation, and 12,000 people still in limbo — we know this is for real.
    THE ARABS HAVE ALWAYS SPOKE THE TRUTH, “we will never stop our terror and killings till the Jewish state is destroyed and eliminated from the middle east”— this includes Bnei Brak, Rechovot and all of Yerushayalim.
    Removing settlements are places like Beitar, Kiryat Sefer, Efrat, Nvei Yakov, Ramat SHlomo and more and more. The Israeli govt who has no understanding of Toras Hashem is ready and waiting to dispose of all for PEACE!!! (laugh..)
    Maybe stand up and give a united opinion, it will not matter about eruvs in our holy city, or who will be mayor, since rockets and attacks will prevent us all from leaving our homes daily, we will not have to worry about carrying or the lack of it on Shabbos. DO SOMETHING!! Increase tefillos, teshuva, learn more, chesed and show hashem that we are in pain and agony with him!!!

  2. Of course the European Union supports the idea! They supported the Nazis plan for the Jews during WWII didn’t they? Oh, I forgot, there was no European Union back then, just Europeans!

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