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WATCH IN FULL: Levaya Of Harav Avremel Ausband Zt”l In Eretz Yisroel And Riverdale [VIDEOS]

The levaya in Eretz Yisroel of Hagaon Harav Avremel Ausband zt”l, the rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Telshe-Riverdale, will held on Sunday afternoon.

Rav Avremel zt”l was niftar suddenly on Thursday night, plunging the Olam Hatorah into mourning. A levaya was held in his yeshiva on Friday, and the Aron was flown to Eretz Yisroel on Motzei Shabbos.

Watch the levaya in Eretz Yisroel below.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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