Muslims Vandalize Machpelah Shul on 1st Ramadan Friday

mhamach.jpgThe Ma’aras HaMachpelah was closed to Jewish mispalalim on Erev Shabbos, the first Friday of Ramadan. On Shabbos, when mispalalim arrived they were horrified and pained to see the Arabs defiled the shul and the surrounding areas on Friday, throwing Hamas flags about and leaving urine near an Aron Kodesh.

While the entire area is under constant closed circuit television surveillance, security officials report they did not apprehend the perpetrators.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

5 Responses

  1. Security isnt the issue. The issue is that Islam wants us gone. It is our responsibility and only our responsibility to have people in place to defend our needs prior to all goyisha holidays. It is our responsibility to take care of our own as the rest of the world cares little or not for us.

  2. Maybe this is simplied, but to me this shows that:
    1. They have no respect for G-d (urine next to the Aron Kodesh!).
    2. They lack shame.
    3. They are truly evil of course.

  3. when baruch goldsstein defended himself from the arabs on erev purim a few years ago, they tried the same excuse — there are no cameras. then they pointed out the cameras in full view, so the “police” claimed it wasnt working that day!

    why should today be any different!

    (i actiually have the new york times articles which detail what happened in av 5689 when 69 kdoshim were murdered. even the nytimes says who they were by name, and how the british did NOTHING! why should the jews do someting, if the british did NOTHING!)

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