THE LATEST INFO – UPDATED 1:45PM ET: Ben Gurion Airport Could Shut Monday Morning

This picture taken on August 3, 2020 shows the tail ends of Israeli El Al airline Boeing 737 aircraft on the tarmac at Israel's Ben Gurion Airport in Lod, east of Tel Aviv. (Photo by JACK GUEZ / AFP)

Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv could be shut beginning Monday morning after the head of Israel’s largest labor union, Histadrut, called for a nationwide strike to protest the lack of a deal to free hostages still being held by Hamas.

Histadrut chief Arnon Bar-David said the strike will begin at 6 a.m. Monday, with Ben Gurion’s closure scheduled for 8 a.m., when all takeoffs and landings will be halted. The duration of the airport’s closure remains uncertain, with the spokesman stating that it is “unclear” how long Israel’s only international hub will be shuttered. It appears that the strike is planned to last – at least at this point – for one day.

However, a message on Ben Gurion Airport’s official website indicated that there will be no airport shutdown at all. Reports suggest there is fierce debate among airport workers whether the critical hub should be shut down.

It is important to note that a report on Sunday afternoon claimed that the strike at Ben Gurion will last just 2 hours – from 8 am to 10 am – and will be limited to departures, but will not affect incoming flights.

But this is all speculation. No airport official has gone on record confirming whether the airport will be open or closed on Monday morning, or how many flights the potential strike would affect.

As of 1:30PM ET, the airport has refused to go on record to any news agency regarding the potential shutdown. Multiple airport employees have given YWN mixed signals – and all have refused to go on record.

YWN spoke to H&M Travel, a popular travel agent who has booked many flights for bochurim, who says that “based on the word I have received from El Al, all their flights and schedules will continue as regular,” indicating that flights carrying bochurim to Israel on Monday will not be affected.

Motty from H&M Travel added that El Al says all flights are running as scheduled, besides for the following changes:

בהמשך להודעת ההסתדרות על שביתה במשק מחר,
בוצעו השינויים הבאים ללוח הטיסות:
טיסה 347 שתוכננה להמראה בשעה 0800, הוקדמה לשעה 0740 מקומי.
טיסה 611 שתוכננה להמראה בשעה 0800, הוקדמה לשעה 0740 מקומי.
טיסה 221 שתוכננה להמראה בשעה 0800, הוקדמה לשעה 0730 מקומי.
טיסה 021 שתוכננה להמראה בשעה 0915 – יתכן ותדחה לשעה 1000. עדכון בהתאם.

When there is an official statement that says the airport will be fully open, YWN will publish it. But for reasons unknown, Histadrut, Ben Gurion Airport and everyone else in a position of authority on this matter refuse to go on record, leaving thousands of people in limbo.


“A deal is more important than anything else,” Histadrut Labor Federation chief Arnon Bar-David said in announcing the nationwide strike.

“Jews are being murdered in the tunnels of Gaza. It is impossible to grasp and has to stop,” he added, asserting that no deal has been reached “because of political consideration.”

“We are no longer one people; we are camp against camp,” Arnon added, saying “we need to bring back the State of Israel.”

“We are getting body bags instead of a deal. I have come to the conclusion that only our intervention might move those who need to be moved,” he declared. “I call on the people of Israel to go out to the streets tonight and tomorrow and for everyone to take part in the strike.”

A full list of workplaces set to participate in the strike will be announced later, the spokesman added. The general strike is expected to have significant impacts on various sectors, with the airport closure likely to cause disruptions to international travel – and to thousands of American yeshiva bochurim planning to fly to Israel this week.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Perfect timing gam Zu Ltova ashem didn’t do one thing that didn’t have a good reason behind it. At times it takes years seeing the results.

  2. Idiots!
    With the limited time available for flights during the war, the last thing that should happen is internal sabotage caused by strike action.
    Let’s hope the workers come to their senses to appreciate what work they are currently fortunate to get and stop such selfish action.

  3. Curious why Yeshivos haven’t started last week. Why is Rosh Chodesh Elul the start date for big boys yet all the חדרים and ישיבות קטנות in Israel started last week.

  4. Not a great article for parents who are already nervous about their sons going off on their own. I would suggest just reporting the facts and let those that might be affected decide whether it’s a disaster.

  5. I assume it’s Histadrut that forces the monopoly of BenGurian airport. Why isn’t there an airport in Jerusalem or expand the airport in Haifa or Eilat.

    The communists are afraid of loosing power

  6. While the Achdus of KlalYisrol is a very big problem, there is a great thing coming out of Bachurim not being able to go to Israel. ( Evan if they go to learn.)
    Boys going to Israel over the age of 21 and not listening to Shidduchim, are the direct cause of girls not being able to get married. Charts clearly show that by the time 800 boys become 23, 1000 girls became 19. It is impossible for every girl to find a Shidduch. This man-made tragedy has been going on for years. The Gedolim from EY Z”L have signed papers that this is the direct cause of the Shidduchcrisis.
    More recently Gedolim from EY came to the US, To have a meeting with American RY to stop this. Most RY that care for other Yidden, we’re ready to go along with the plan of boys being encouraged to listen to Shidduchim at age 21. Some troublemakers insisted on waiting around till 23. With the excuse of Shtieging. The fact is that the amount of single girls are Shtieging and staying single. This crime must be stopped. So as bad as it looks, that pilots are striking, there is one good thing coming out of it.
    “Bachurim Amerikiyim Hchtzu.”
    Oman Bnos Yisroel,

  7. Hamas takes 251 hostages to try and force the democratically elected Israeli Govt’s hand

    The elites of the left takes 9.5m+ hostages together with the economy of the entire country to try and force the democratically elected Israeli Govt’s hand

    Who is more evil here??

  8. If Hamas and hezbolla where not succesfull in shutting down bengurion and disrupt the Israeli economy the left wing in Israel will make sure to help them, the left is the enemy of the Jews

  9. I’m 100% for protests but for one person to hold the entire country hostage because he disagrees with the Prime Minister is blackmail. Hamas is laughing at us now why should they agree to anything? They are probably gloating now. Not only do we have Israel by the throat. We even have one labor bureaucrat doing our dirty work.

  10. When Reagan had to deal with this – okay, granted, it wasn’t just one day – he fired them almost and replaced them! The union bosses were, for the most part, forced to resign. These people can not close a country down, especially in times like this. They are the enemy within.

  11. The Ramma in Yoreh Deah 179 writes it is a Siman Tov to begin learning on Rosh Chodesh
    That is the reason why the Zman in Yeshivos begin on Rosh Chodesh

  12. Why dont they agree to leave Philly corridor and renege after hostages are released? Hamas and the Arabs do this all the time. Hezbollah promised to stay behind the Litani River. Hamas promised not to rearm. Egypt promised peace and let the tunnels bring in arms. All liars and fakers. Only we have to be honest?

  13. Thanks for updating the headline and fire removing the sensational heading. I don’t know if my comment influenced you but this updated version of the article is much better and much more helpful.

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