🚨 White House’s Kirby warns that Iran appears “ready and positioned” to launch an attack on Israel.

He emphasized that the U.S. has strongly urged Iran not to escalate the situation, as there is no justification for sparking a regional war.

Kirby also stated that the U.S. is prepared to defend Israel if an Iranian attack occurs.

7 Responses

  1. Dear lakewoodbt
    The IDF did not ‘allow’ a pogrom with 1,200 dead. This is pure motzi shem ra. Yes, there may have been security failures in certain departments but this does not give you the right to malign the entire IDF which has many thousands of soldiers who are fighting to defend Am Yisroel. It’s time you put your irrelevant anti-zionist views aside and think about the real issues here. HKBH will protect us but like any situation, we need to do our hishtadlus and this is the hishtadlus we must do now.

  2. the white house is posturing, and that’s usually bad for us. if obama, biden and harris hadn’t appeased the ayatollah and stuffed billions of dollars into their coffers, kirby wouldn’t need to be defending anything. what we need now is regime change, not more band-aid solutions.

  3. Dear MATT:

    “Security failures in certain departments” are what allowed the savages to go through the Zionists’ billion!! dollar wall as if it were Swiss cheese, and were also what then caused the Zionists to not send any soldiers to stop the savages until eight hours or so had passed? That’s way beyond mere “failures”.

    Also, the Zionists’ many thousands of soldiers are not fighting to defend what Jews traditionally call “Am Yisrael”. Rather, they are fighting to protect the Zionist “State” and whomever happens to be under its control.

    It’s time you put you idolatrous Zionist views aside and think about the real issues here. HKBH will protect His children, and, like in any situation, we need to follow the Torah and its rules, including not putting faith in idols (and not in anything other than G-d, for that matter).

  4. Isn’t it ridiculous to thing that Iran can do anything to Israel with hundreds of f35 and f16 but if you look at the Google map and what’s really protecting us you will see that it’s not completely impressive even with the boat from USA with all those planes it is foolish to think it’s not bombable but most the army planes are hidden in RIMON air place if isis or Hamas could inflertrat from Egypt to this storage is the jets it would be worse then October 7

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