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IDF: Report Of Abduction In Shomron Was A False Alarm

The IDF announced overnight Monday that the suspected abduction of a young Jewish woman in the Shomron was a false alarm.

The drama began late Monday evening when a 17-year-old standing at the Tapuach Junction called the Shomron Regional Council hotline and told them he saw a Jewish young woman screaming “Help!” from the back of a Palestinian car that drove through the intersection.

A large number of IDF forces were deployed to the scene and immediately began searching the area and setting up roadblocks. Shortly later, forces stopped a car that fit the description of the suspected car and detained the two Palestinian men inside. However, a preliminary investigation revealed that they were not involved in any abduction incident.

According to reports, security officials had doubts about the credibility of the report following an initial investigation but treated the matter seriously out of an abundance of caution.

The car suspected of carrying an abduction victim.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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