Man Punches Chareidi In Face During Protest Against Draft In Jerusalem

Israel Police

Chareidi extremists held a protest next to the recruitment center in Jerusalem on Wednesday, the day 200 bnei yeshivos were scheduled to report to the center for their first summons.

According to Army Radio, the IDF instructed soldiers not to report to work at the center on Wednesday. Instead, a large number of Border Police and Israel Police officers were stationed in the area. As the protesters streamed to the area, they began blocking the surrounding streets as well as the nearby light rail station on Rechov Yaffo, leading to skirmishes between the protestors and police.

The police declared the protest illegal due to the disturbance of public order and began forcibly removing the protesters. Five protesters were arrested.

Some of the passersby began arguing with the protesters and one man punched a protester in his face.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. Dear YWN. Why do you call these people extremists? The gedolim all said to ignore the draft letters, as you yourself have reported… calling them extremists definitely smells of sinas chinam, they’re just brace enough to protest and get arrested for standing up for dass Torah

  2. I, unfortunately, got stuck by these protesters.
    I am 82 have pacemaker and had to get some where, but these poople blocked the light rail and just mumbled and fought with police.
    IF they believed in HaShem with their hearts, and not just with empty words, they would direct their prayers to Him to help them.
    But they are fakers in Black and White.
    And their rabbis are mistaken on causing so many innocent people such pain and disappointment.

  3. Charedi extremist???
    I see in the video a religious man talking respectfully and the a ANTI RELIGIOUS EXTREMIST person (if you want to call him that) punshes him in the face!
    Who’s making it unpeacecful ?

  4. @your friends If you didn’t realize it yet.Unfortunately there’s not much yeshivish or religious about this site

  5. I thought these idiots were shteiging 24×7 to “protect” the tzibur.
    If they have time to show up at IDF facilities and “protest” the directive to enlist, then they deserve what they get. They should go back and hide under their shtenders where they will be safe. In the interim, there is a slow but steady increase in the number of Chareidim joining Hesder yeshivos and other special programs that allow for military service with accommodations for learning and

  6. – certainly extremists. banning work, societal obligations, embracing deliberate unemployment and poverty, sanctimonious forcing issacher/zevulun on other people, and whining and crying about sacrifice while others bury their children definitely makes you an extremist. Being loud (and wrong) but outside of vast majority of ww shomrei shabbos makes you an extremist. Building a whole society that requires gov handouts and or fundraising in North America to survive makes you an extremist.

    -I find the punch very confusing, not catching whole exchange, can someone translate if catching whole thing?

  7. HA, extremists?
    Only when Chareidim protest its extremism?
    Only when CHareidim shut down public transport its extremism?

    Animal rights, terrorist rights, anti chareidi protests, all normal.
    Chareidi protests are extremism? Hypocracy at its ugliest.

    Lets be clear, I am not condoning the protests, but as a method of public discourse normalized by a society, you cant claim foul when someone you dont agree with plays by your rules.

    And I must repond, that YOU, unfortunately, seem to be the faker here.
    Since when is prayer alon the answer? Is not Hishtadlus the entire argument of why there needs to be a draft in the first place?

    And lets be real.
    These are 13-17 year old Kids. GOOD Kids, who are fighting for a good cause.
    Yes, they are doing it in a silly manner, but ITS THE MANNER THAT HAS BEEN THE ONE CHAMPIONED BY THE VERY CULTUER THEY SEEK TO ENGAGE!!! You expect these kids not to be tempted to do just that?

    This is from the better temptations to fall to

  8. @Gadolhadorah
    your contempt shows your hypocrisy.
    These good boys live an exalted lifestyle, no, not like what you believe, that you are either Rav Shteinman or “regular”.
    Just the opposite, they are simply on a higher madreiga, than “average” by pursuing that goal, not by having attained it.
    They are REGULAR people, entitled to the same breaks, same perks, and same freedom to voice grievances, as anyone else.
    What sets them ABOVE, is what they strive for.
    We dont believe people are angels, we believe people are people, and that they can pursue either goodness, or emptiness.

    SO yes, they are entitled to take time off, to enjoy, and yes, even in engage in childish activities that all other children/young adults their age engage in.
    That doesnt for a moment take away from the sanctity of their life’s pursuits.

    And you who intimate that it does, just means you dont really believe in that sanctity.

    I do not intend to condone theyre riot. I DO intend though to highlight the double standard applied to them.

    As for the topic of conscription itself, Ive said it before, and Ill say it again. Its really a very simple matter.
    If conscription were simply about self-defense/defending Klal-yisroel, chareidim would be first in line as stated in Shulchan Aruch.
    The reality is, that conscription has only very little to do with actual self defense, and much more to do with societal culture. SO … We dont come.

  9. Be careful what all you guys say.
    We are only getting closer to Mashiach And you will all be accountable for what you said and you will not be with us.
    Like all the wicked people in the story of Korach

  10. @Avraham
    theres a lot to say on this topic, and if YWN wants to start a podcast, i’d be happy to address it. DOnt worry YWN it will be HIGHLY controvertial:)

    But actually,@Avraham, i think what we saw here is a BEAUTIFUL example of Chareidi society.
    No one helped him due to a combination of two WONDERFUL factors
    1. he was not in immediate DANGER.
    Chareidim would immediately assist him, where prudent, were he in danger of injury. He was not
    2. Chareidim are inherently nonviolent.
    That means that they “flight” before they “fight”. which is the intelligent way to deal with things, that are not a DANGER.

    Even the boy who himself was getting hit didnt react immediately with hitting.
    First, he was startled, and threw a cup of water as the man menaced him
    Second he retreated, putting distance between them
    Third, only after the man kept swarming him, did he return the favor, AND THEN IMMEDIATELY RETREAT when the man went down.

    None of this was premeditated, it was quite clearly untrained. Which, in my opinion, shows a beauty and pragmatism that is unfortunately very rare in todays world.

    Most of us have an “honor system” mentality, where if someone DARES “attack” we will “defend ourselves and blahblah”.
    The truth though, is that isnt defending ourselves, its defending our honor.
    (I do not oppose that on a basic level, i dont expect people to allow themselves to be abused, But i do point out how chareidim are on a higher level, and more pragmatic level, where that isnt the concern).

    This actually goes to the core of the who;e draft argument. People are all upset that chareidim wont “share the burden”.
    But the truth is, that if this was a simple matter of defending Klal Yisroel and in essence, Kvod Shamayim, Chareidim would be front and center!
    Sadly the issue is that there are so many agendas and cultural constructs woven into the army, that the percentage of actual “defense” is a very small part of it. And Chareidim will have NOTHING to do with that!

  11. Being against the draft is OK since that is the daas Torah at this time. However, I haven’t seen any gadol say that we have to have protests and demonstrations against the draft. That is not OK. It is not befitting for a person engaged in Limud Hatorah and is therefore a chillul Hashem. It is annoying and harmful to many other people, as mentioned by lazerc above. Why in the world is that considered a good thing that’s “on a higher level?” There are people who have family members risking their lives in the Army. Many of them don’t understand how learning Torah is protecting Klal Yisroel. I can’t imagine how painful it is to see young, healthy bochurim protesting the draft in such a lowly manner. How is causing these people pain a good thing? There must be at least one gadol who should come out against these disgusting public protests and demonstrations. They only cause bittul zman, bittul Torah, a Chillul Hashem and pain to many people. If you are against drafting lomdei Torah, then just don’t show up.

  12. You call that chareidi?
    What about gozel as horabim…. The rambam says that it’s pretty much impossible to do teshuvah on that….
    Steeling time of people is gneivah. Costing people money too… People cannot go to their work or come home…. This is what they teach so called frum people?
    Chilul Hashem be’rabim.
    You can Davin, you can protest on the sidewalk..
    The minute you protest by hurting thousands of people you are not chareidi.. you are like the goy

  13. Chash, that’s a ridiculous “defense”. Jews should come to the defense of their brother. I was absolutely horrified when I saw that.

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