Supreme Court Permits Jews to March in Um el-Fahm

The Supreme Court has decided to permit a Jewish march with Israeli flags in the Israeli Arab municipality of Um el-Fahm, a known anti-Israeli hotbed which is a base for the pro-Hamas Israel Islamic Association.

Representing Itamar Ben-Gavir and Baruch Marzel, attorneys argued it is not inflammatory to march in the street with Israeli flags since it is a community inside Israel. Police on the other hand disagree, and warn such a march could lead to violence and fatalities.

The court rejected the argument presented by police, explaining that the To’eva parade in Jerusalem and left-wingers marching in Chevron are no less inflammatory.

Justice Edmond Levy called on the petitioners and police to meet and seek to reach a mutually acceptable solution within 15 days. Ben-Gavir stated that he is indeed pleased with the court’s decision, which he pointed out fell short of expectations.

Um el-Fahm Mayor Mustafa Suheil announced they are not welcome and on the day of the march, a 50,000 strong human chain will meet them to prevent them from entering the town. They stated Ben-Gavir is unwelcome.

It should be pointed out that Um el-Fahm is a local municipality in Green Line Israel, but facts on the ground has resulted in it being a hostile locale in which one must petition the court to enter carrying and waving the national flag.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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