Israel: 6 Injured in Elad Blaze

IFD.jpgSix people, including a 3-year-old girl, were injured in a Thursday afternoon fire in a second story dwelling in Elad. Officials report arson is suspected. One of the victims is said to be in serious condition and the remainder light.

Fire inspectors report the blaze was started in three different locations in the apartment. According to Petach Tikvah Deputy Fire Chief Menachem Kaspi, damage to the home was heavy, and there was also significant damage to the third floor.

MDA paramedics report the seriously injured victim sustained second and third degree burns over his entire body. He was transported to Tel Hashomer Hospital. The MDA team stated they believe a gas balloon must have exploded during the blaze since all the windows were blown out and the gas tank was found about 100 meters away.

Earlier in the week, there was a fire in an Elad shul on Yonatan Ben-Uziel Street. Fire inspectors also reported that blaze was the result of arson.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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