WATCH: Dozens Of Jews Bow Down On Har HaBayis On Tisha B’Av

About 1,500 Jews visited Har HaBayis on Tisha B’Av morning and dozens bowed down at the site, as seen in the videos below.

Among the visitors were National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, Minister for the Development of Periphery, Negegv and Galil, Yitzchak Wasserlauf (Otzma Yehudit), and Likud MK Amit Halevi.

Police officers arrested around 40 Jews who violated the rules of the site, including bowing down and waving Israeli flags.

Ben-Gvir said at the site: “We’re here on Tisha B’av to mark the Churban Beit Hamikdash. But we must also honestly say: we’ve made great progress in governance here, in sovereignty – photos of Jews davening here.”

“As I’ve said: our policy is to allow tefillah. I say one more thing: we must win this war. We must win and not go to conferences in Doha or Cairo, but defeat them, bring them to their knees – that is the message. We can defeat Hamas, bring it down to its knees.”

Following the visit, the Prime Minister’s Office issued a sharply worded message contradicting Ben-Gvir’s assertions.

“This morning’s incident on the Temple Mount deviated from the status quo,” the statement began. “Israel’s policy on the Temple Mount has not changed; this is how it has been and this is how it will be.”

“It is the Government and the Prime Minister who determine policy on the Temple Mount. There is no private policy of any minister – not the National Security Minister or any other minister – on the Temple Mount. Thus it has been under all governments of Israel.”

Gedolei HaPoskim throughout the ages including Gedolei Hador Shlita today have ruled it is absolutely forbidden to visit Har Habayis, even if one does so in line with Halacha including tevila. This is also the ruling of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. This is an Issur Kares.

Fifteen years ago on Sukkos, then President Shimon Peres paid a visit to the Sukka of the late Posek Hador, Maran HaGaon Rav Elyashiv ZATZAL, where Rav Elyashiv called on the President to prevent Jews from visiting Har Habayis, stating it is an act that that is viewed as extremely provocative by the goyim. Maran stated everything possible must be done to avoid a religious war, and the provocateurs are playing with fire.

Maran is quoted as explaining to the president that Halacha forbids going onto Har Habayis but today, it is more than this, it is an act that may lead to a religious war and bloodshed.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

28 Responses

  1. With an איסור כרת and a ספק because some permit it are you חייב an אשם תלוי or a חטאת or nothing because you are following Rabbis of the previous genrration like the RMDT from יצחק אלחנן

  2. wow amazing how one uses yidishkeit to further their political gains, even more interesting, how frum these people are in their private lives, but suddenly they are super frum on Tisha bov crying on the ground for the chorben I can just imagine those tears flowing for the gules hashchine.

  3. Chillul shabbat bfarhesia
    And good davening with the children
    The reason why we can’t go to the army is cause a person’s actions have to be for the sake of God how can any of them say that they are for the sake of God impossible this you call for hashem life or is it only for yourself and greed when we read in the Torah how important it is not to go there and one rabbi said openly that with voting for them your are putting your olam habah at risk and that is they won’t be allowed there when the moshiach comes sorry but they are definitely not going to bring shechina to the world only to like zionism and it’s big taste for blood and not saying protecting the Jewish people but that we have to fight for the hot kugel and the cowboy land

  4. These are not “just teenagers” and a number of leading poskim and chashuva rabbanim in EY allow and encourage going up to har habayis in specific areas. I do not follow these poskim personally, but ad hominem attacks on Yidden following legitimate rabbanim and poskim is completely uncalled for. This is why we cannot have nice things, like Moshiach.

  5. At a time when the whole country is a risk of a massive attack on the negotiators are desperately trying to bring home the hostages still alive, these right wing idiots deliberately seem intent on provoking greater chaos. They should only know suffering of those families whose pain they could care less about while engaging their theatrics on har habayis. Meanwhile, the PM makes statements about these actions not being authorized but refuses to take any action to block their political theater that puts the whole nation at greater risk.

  6. YWN, you sound EXACTLY like neturay karta.
    Look in the mirror!!

    What you say against BenGvir etc… is what neturay karta says against all zionists!

    Same thing!

    If you support zionism, you should support the Temple institute and these heilege people who are moser nefesh for TRUE zionism (the beis hamikdash, not the state of Israel).

    If you support zionism, but are against them, you are a faker and a secular zionist. Nothing more. Worthless zionism.

    Either you should support neturay karta, or BenGvir type. Not this in between fake secular zionist, or charedi zionism.

  7. R Elyashiv asked to stop them?
    R Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld asked the King of Jordan to stop zionism entirely.

    If you are afraid of goyim, stop supporting Israel and her war against Palestinians.

  8. YWN, thanks for sharing!
    I really appreciate it!
    This short video was worth more to me than all the hours of video I watched today!

  9. Very soon, we’ll all be there. This is the first time in centuries that we came this close to the Makom.

    Every year, another inch.

    These 40 who were arrested, gave their lives for us. When the Mikdash is rebuilt, their names will be on a plaque on what was Shaarey Nikanor, which will be renaned after them.

  10. עם פישוט ידים ורגלים על רצפת הר הבית. בלי נעלים ובלי חציצה.

    Vi es darf tzu zein

  11. Let’s dan them l’kaf zchut that they all got sprinkled with the mei chatas from one of those 5 red cows up in Shilo.
    (That was a joke.)

  12. I shall wait patiently another 50 days to kneel & be fully compliant with הלכה

    Hopefully we will be able to do so much sooner, with the coming of Moshiach, whom we await very IMPATIENTLY!

    However, in our current golus state, this is only acceptable in shul on RH and YK.

    אין אנו יכולין לעלות ולהשתחוות

  13. The tragic status of the Jewish nation today regarding the Beis Hamikdash;

    100% pray for it

    50% are secular and have little or no interest in it.

    45% are religious but adopted to some extent or another Satmar ideology that it can only be achieved through 100% super natural means.

    5% are ready to do whatever is necessary to actually rebuild the Beis Hamikdash any way possible.

    The Sefer Hachinuch counts rebuilding the Beis Hamikdash as one of the 613 commandments, he writes the commandment is binding when most of Klal Yisroel lives on their land. Acc. to the official numbers of Jews in the world today we are pretty close if not their already.

    At one of the Otzma Yehudi rallies Rabbi Dov Lior encouraged the group not to worry about their popularity as also in Yetzias Mizrayim it says וחמושים עלו בני ישראל ממצרים only a small fraction merited to leave as the others were not worthy…

    By Mechiras Yosef and the Meraglim the Majority were wrong and the minority were right…

    Avraham Avinu was a Yachid vs many as was Moshe Rabenu, Yosef Hatzadik, Dovid Hamelech, Yirmiyah Hanavi, Yeshaya Hanavi, Mordechai Hatzadik, Matisyahu Kohen Gadol and more…

    At the end of the day in the Torah we find being afraid to conquer Eretz Yisroel is the sin of the Meraglim, going to conquer when it is not the time is the sin of the Maapilim. What it all depends on is if Hashem is commanding to do it now or not.

    The fact that we have no system of appointing legitimate Rabbis to a Sanhedrin or some sort of supreme Rabbinical court is the main churban of our times. All we have are way to many groups each claiming they and their Rabbis are the truth and all the others and their Rabbis are invalid.

  14. As seen from the comments, unamiously all previous Gedolim and cotemporary Gedolim forbid going up ton Har Habayis. Some minor rabbies, who think they know better than the all of the Gedolim, have started a new trend. The Mizrachi Rabbies also forbade goin up from the time of HaRav Kook untill and including Haracv Mordechai Eliyahu, ZZK”L

  15. I actually happen to know a lot of these kinds of people. Most of them are very religious more so than some haredim. Before you go out and judge go talk to them, see how they live their lives, how much they sacrifice for ארץ ישראל. Stop speaking לשון הרע about these holy tzaddikim.
    As for angering the nations, everything we do aside from just laying down and dying will make them angry. So stop freaking out over what they will think.

  16. Not sure why YWN would post this. Would you post people eating Chazir or some other Isur. Especially this which according to many is an Issur Kares.

  17. @SKD2128,

    I do not know which imaginary “holy” (maybe hole-ee) such people you know, the ones that I know/knew when I learnt in Eretz Yisrael, are a hodge-podge conglomeration of yobs, startups, violent terrorists with no boundaries, wannabe idiots, amongst much else.
    Their ignorance in Torah falls not so short of the attempts of earlier reformers, only by these crackheads they have a little less sechel.
    Go speak to one of them, and you’ll notice the brainwashed distortions they believe in straight away. Counter them in arguments, and be ready for a fight.
    Not holy at all.
    As HaRav Birnbaum ztz”l (from Mir Brooklyn) once said, it those that have holes in their head that have holes in their kippa as well…….
    Now, come one offended, shoot away!

  18. “Stop speaking לשון הרע about these holy tzaddikim.”

    These zealots are NOT holy tzadikim but are deliberately seeking to increase the level of chaos and risk the country is facing and the efforts underway now in Doha to rescue the hostages remaining alive. Anything that complicates those efforts along with increasing the hostility Israel faces in its global efforts sustain a coalition against Iran and its proxies warrants only the most severe criticism. For every additional day the hostages remain in captivity as an indirect result of their activities which are prohibited by gadlolim for centuries, these “holy tzadikim” may warrant a free one day pass to gehenom.

  19. While there’s no issuer for a tamei meis to go on the har habais alone while avoiding the makom hamikdash, a more disturbing thing was them bowing down directly on the stone, which is a safe issur doraisa on the har habais according to the minchas chinuch.

    And while they are arsonists in the sense they’re messing around with the Sunni Arab Alliance (no different than the biryonim who destroyed the 2nd beis hamikdash), we have actual haredi arsonists today who torched the forest around the army base near Tverya. All in all, we have serious problems on our hands, velashem hayeshua…

  20. How about we talk about this from a rational sane point of view first and then get into a detail. A bunch of people standing, or bowing (what others would probably call laying down) is illegal and cause of alarm to the point that foreign powers and a PM has to make statements about it. Statements about standing and bowing. Does this rationally happen anywhere else on earth? Or are we back to the type of segregation that you can’t walk on the sidewalk as a certain race? Is this country run by UCLA?

    But what you can do, play soccer barefoot, throw molotovs, store weapons. THat’s the status quo, right?

    Let’s get this insanity out of the way before we start worrying if it’s even permissible. Because you all are always excusing this hyper-racism insanity under the guise that we shouldn’t be there anyway, so let them foam at the mouth and push us into ghettos “status quo”.

  21. In the Mikdash you are not supposed to have mat underneath.
    The pasuk specifically says “b’artzchem”, in your land.

    ואבן משכית לא תשימו בארצכם להשתחוות עליה.

    In the Mikdash not.

  22. Whats the point if Israel, if we can’t gave the mikdash?

    Only a zionist faker cares more about the state of Israel.

    The charedi Rabbis are anti Israel like NK. That I understand. Ok.
    But those who support the IDF, zionism, etc.. but don’t support the binyan havayis?

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