Labor Head: “Why Doesn’t The State Encourage Chareidim To Go Off The Derech?”

Yair Golan in a video inciting against the religious sector. (Channel 14 screenshot)

Yair Golan who is the head of the left-wing Democrats party [a merger of the Labor and Meretz parties] decried the fact that the State of Israel never instituted programs to encourage Chareidim to go off the derech.

In an interview with a news outlet for Russian speakers in Israel, Golan asserted that the State of Israel needs to work in several ways against Chareidim, including not funding any Chareidi educational institutions and ensuring that any Chareidi who is eligible for the draft doesn’t receive even one shekel from the government.

His third idea was, as he put it: “Why hasn’t the State of Israel instituted programs [for Chareidim] that encourage a) IDF recruitment and b) going off the derech?”

“Why?!” he repeated.

Secular Channel 14 journalist Shai Golden exorciated Golan, responding to his outrageous suggestion by saying: “Why didn’t the State of Israel encourage removing kippos? Why didn’t the State of Israel encourage giving up the Shabbat as a day of rest? Why doesn’t the State of Israel forbid Brit Milah? Why doesn’t the State of Israel close all religious and Rabbinic institutions and forbid religious weddings altogether? Why is the State of Israel a Jewish state? Why doesn’t the State of Israel forbid putting on tefillin at home also? [A reference to the ban of tefillin stands in Tel Aviv.] Why doesn’t it forbid fasting on Yom Kippur and Tisha B’Av? Huh, Yair Golan? Why really?”

Golden continued: “This man is unbelievable. He actually said this in the State of Israel, a state created so that Jews could live like Jews… Do you even understand the insanity of your statements? And I say this as a secular person, a person who is much closer to you in lifestyle than most people here. Aren’t you ashamed?”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

21 Responses

  1. While not a big fan of the current Chareidi position on serving in the IDF or some alternative form of public service, I’m totally in agreement with Shai Gordon that the comment from Golan are beyond stupid, even by the very low standards of what remains of the Israel’s historic labor/leftist parties. Its good to know that every nutcase on the far-right of the political spectrum has a soulmate on the far-left

  2. What a rosha merusha!
    The medina created a way for the “chareydim” to go off the derech and it’s called …… the IDF.

    Alas, many who join don’t stay as shtark as they once were.

  3. first joke. The state of Israel was established, despite religious Jews.
    For this שגץ to come out so verbally, is almost refreshing.

  4. I’m thinking that the holy Berditchever would have said, “His mouth and his heart are totally together, he refuses to lie about what he thinks.” Hashem doesn’t need our help in being melamed chov on people, but He wants us to act as if He does need our help in being melamed zechus on them. In the merit of our doing so, surely He can find some way of getting Yair ben Rochel to do teshuva shleima (היד השם תקצר), and imagine the enormous Kiddush Hashem if he were to become another Uri Zohar. R’ Arye Shechter, ztl, once told me that he really liked Meretz because a lot of their people eventually do teshuva and then they become the strongest advocates for Torah, halevai that should happen to Yair ben Rochel Golan (Goldner) real soon. As we say in Ne’ila, Hashem doesn’t want the wicked to die, He wants them to return to Him and live.

  5. It’s great that they are now saying the quiet part out loud about why they really want us to serve in the army…

  6. Actually the state of israel was founded specifically to transform the jews into a new type of “jew”.
    Anybody who is upset at this guy, simply doesn’t understand zionism.

    He’s right!!!!!!!

    Why hasn’t the state lived up to its main purpose?????

  7. Now let’s appreciate the Goldena Medina. We have a constitution and Bill of rights. Israel has none. He have enshrined freedom of religion and worship. Israel supreme courts make law with no boundaries. We don’t have it perfect due to antisemitism, but ….

  8. He would be glad to live in a state with a 7 day workweek with the muslim call to prayer being blared in the background of his interview. Meanwhile I hear in Europe they still have countries where the supermarkets even close on Sundays. But the Israeli’s are obsessed with never having days off. I could never understand this, but it means he is worse than a goy.

  9. In addition to what I wrote earlier, I strongly suspect that Yair ben Rochel’s neshomo is screaming out to us to daven for it, to get it out of the klipos that it’s fallen into. היד השם תקצר. And if anyone asks what will it help to daven for such a person to do teshuva, the Chazon Ish addressed that question about the Gemara in Brochos where Rebbe Meir davened for his hooligan neighbors to do teshuva and they actually did. Asked the Chazon Ish, but elsewhere the Gemara in Brochos says that everything is bidei Shamayim except for yiras Shamayim so how can it help to daven for someone to do teshuva. Then he answers with a typical diyuk, it just says that yiras Shamayim doesn’t come from Heaven, but if there’s someone here in our world davening for someone else to do teshuva, even if the person himself doesn’t ask for it, it can still help, and Rebbe Meyer’s prayers were answered. So everyone who reads this please daven for Yair ben Rochel to do teshuva and be another Uri Zohar and make a big Kiddush Hashem, your tefillos might make the difference.

  10. “Golden continued: “This man is unbelievable. He actually said this in the State of Israel, a state created so that Jews could live like Jews… ”

    That would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Actually, the “State” of Israel was created specifically so that Jews would live like idolatrous nationalist gentiles.

  11. wasn’t the whole state created specifically to encourage chareidim to go off the derech?
    has this man really fallen for the propaganda so hard that he thinks the State doesn’t already do all those things he suggests?

  12. I have a grand idea, instead of this state and this grubeh oysvorf shtik fleish pushing people to be CHV off the detech, how about the state pushing people to be more ON THE DERECH!!!


  13. And those of us in Chutz L’aretz are expected to be ashamed of ourselves for not uprooting our lives and families to move to E”Y? It has never disturbed me one tiny bit that others live guilt ridden existences over this issue.

  14. @Happy new year,

    Open your eyes, it jolly well has.
    They don’t do it in one minute, because then even the most simple person will easy catch on to their real intentions.
    However, look at history.
    In the beginning they indeed tried to do this, it didn’t work in large part withing the ashkenazi communities, but in the case of the Yahadut mizrach, as we know, they largely r”l succeeded (Yemenites, Moroccans etc).
    They then woke up and realised that such a tactic won’t work with most Jews, as we will fight back, and now they try to push it in other ways, tochnei liba, academia, army, “diversity and acceptance”, democracy etc etc, all kefira.
    They are not stupid, these are the hitlers of 2024.

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