UTJ Head Moshe Gafni On Attorney-General: “Unparalleled Wickedness”

UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni excoriated Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara for her decision to cut daycare funding for the babies and toddlers of Chareidi families whose fathers are eligible for the draft only three weeks before the new school year begins.

“They talk all the time and preach to us morals about women’s employment and equality, until it comes to Chareidim!” Gafni said. “Then they throw everything away and fight against us. Unparalleled rishus!”

“If we would do something like that, they would say we are primitive. They really are evil primitive people.”

Labor Minister Yoav Ben-Tzur (Shas) is holding emergency meetings with professional officials and legal counsel at the Ministry of Labor to examine the decision.

“Unfortunately, the weighty legal arguments that the minister submitted to the Attorney-General did not receive professional consideration,” Ben-Tzur said. “The minister sees as serious the direct and severe harm against those helpless babies who will be left without supervised educational frameworks.”

“This is a serious blow to these families’ economic welfare since thousands of mothers will leave the workforce and turn from normative families into supported families. The minister will continue the just and moral battle for these babies using all legal tools and will not stop until justice is served.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Maybe send another group of Roshei Yeshiva to the US to raise cash for this, too, from the American Gvirim? After all, the Chareidi community was so proud last time that they could ignore the government cutting their funding, saying they didn’t need the government and would deprive them of the Zechus of supporting Lomdei Torah. So, time to once again put your money where your mouth is – and cover this cost too.

    an Israeli Yid

  2. If the Chareidim would move away from there to a civilized place, then the Zionist “State” would be history in very short order.

  3. Just like anti religious Jews discriminated when it comes to separate prayer while allowing ONLY Muslims to do so.

    Arabs were always first class citizens in Israel.

  4. No money for these innocent babies, but no shortage of money for Bibi’s private aeroplane to take an extra flight to America just to deliver his personal effects a week ahead of his trip, all funded by Israeli taxpayers

  5. What does he expect. The core idea of zionism is the destruction of the Hareidi community. This proves that Satmar was right all along: frum Jews should not accept funding from the medinah.

    He who pays the fiddler gets to call the tune. The political “Hareidi” parties never seemed to learn this.

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