Attorney-General Cuts Daycare Subsidies For Chareidi Families

Illustrative. A baby sleeps July 23, 2023. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File)

Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara on Sunday ordered the government to halt funding for the babies and toddlers of Chareidi families whose fathers are eligible for the draft.

The cruel decision comes only three weeks before the school year begins, leaving about 6,700 families and about 10,000 children without daycare. The fees for daycare without the subsidies are not affordable for almost all kollel families.

The decision is especially outrageous considering that Arab-Israeli mothers whose husbands are criminals in prison receive daycare subsidies. The law requires that only the woman’s income be calculated without regard to her husband’s income.

Chareidi journalist Aryeh Ehrlich said in response: “An Attorney-General who has pity for heinous Nukhba terrorists and is cruel to Jewish babies. Let that sink in for a moment. This is Sodom.”

UTJ chairman Yitzchak Goldknopf stated: “It goes without saying that the Attorney-General would not have issued the same decision against the Arab public that doesn’t serve or the children of foreign workers or illegal migrants who receive services and stipends as if they served in the IDF.”

The Shas party stated: “The Attorney-General’s decision to deny working Chareidi mothers daycare subsidies today, three weeks before the start of the school year, just because the husband is studying Torah – is cruel legal bullying and abuse of helpless children. This is a disgraceful mark of Cain on the forehead of the legal system which is supposed to protect and support women who seek employment. The purpose of the subsidies is to encourage women to work.”

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said: “A year ago, I told the Prime Minister to get rid of her. Let’s send her home. She does whatever she wants.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. There is a story about Alter Rebbe coming downstairs to his son’s apartment and seeing that he is deeply engrossed into his learning while a baby that the mother left to the husband to watch was crying. Alter Rebbe woke up his son and directed him to watch the baby better. I think we can learn from this that it is possible to become a Rebbe while leaving in your father’s house, without child subsidies – as long as your parents give you proper mussar. (well, this was slightly before mussar movement started, but still).

  2. This subsidy is for Charedi families only. Both of my children, both parents working, both men served in the IDF don’t receive anything for childcare. They each pay about 5,000 shekels a month per child so both parents can work. Either give the subsidy it to all parents for all children or give it to none.

  3. Aml
    It’s income based just like in America. Your kids obviously don’t qualify.
    We don’t either qualify for any of these subsidies but that’s how it goes.

  4. If @aml is correct by saying Ils5000 per child per month for 10’000 children that would make ILS600m = $161m – we need another מסע גדולים to collect this amount.
    It’s an old saying: The one who has pity on the wicked, will be cruel on the righteous!
    It is certainly not easy, but it would be the best thing, if we could wean ourselves from that dirty money – many problems would go away, including the chareidy draft order.

  5. Y2r,

    How can they do anything when the AG is queen and the Supreme Court is the king

    Who would you vote for instead?


    I like your logic

    Food prices are expensive so in America we should either give everyone food stamp or the poor people shouldn’t get it

  6. ami – what you’re saying is simply NOT TRUE.

    Others get it too, and even if father is a terrorist!

    Here is from the government website:
    הסיוע ניתן לאוכלוסיות הבאות (תנאי הזכאות של כל אוכלוסייה מפורטים בכל אחד מהערכים). כדי להיות זכאים לסיוע במימון שכר הלימוד שני ההורים צריכים להשתייך לאחת האוכלוסיות:
    הורים עובדים
    הורים לומדים
    הורים שהם עולים חדשים
    הורים שהם תושבים חוזרים
    הורים שמקבלים דמי אבטלה
    הורים שהם חיילים בשירות חובה
    הורים שהם מתנדבים בשירות לאומי-אזרחי
    הורים שמקבלים קצבת נכות
    הורים שמקבלים הבטחת הכנסה
    Of course it does depends on income.

    And this correction to the law handed down today DOES NOT take it away from anyone and everyone who’s father ignores the draft, only if he learns in yeshiva – “במוסדות תורניים”!
    How’s that for “מדינה דמוקרטית”???

  7. The subsidy was intended to encourage female chareidi participation in the workforce. While it has, (>70% paricipation) these women typically have low paying jobs in ganim and schools. With chareidi families averaging double digits of children and mothers eligible for months chofesh layda plus 18 paid sick days / year plus machalat yeled days, you can imagine how much or little they are actually working.

  8. I never comment but decided to log in to correct above poster because spreading those lies creates unnecessary strife and hate.
    Any working mother that works the required amount of hours or full time student is eligible to a government subsidy to pay for meonot. That was the law. Now the attorney general is demanding to remove this right from frum women who’s husband are eligible for draft. This is absolute discrimination.
    As for the first poster’s comment I hope everyone else is smart enough to understand why it’s irrelevant and has nothing to do with the article.

    In any case I think anyone who doesn’t live in Israel and doesn’t truly understand israeli politics can’t really grasp why charedim refuse to join the army and the injustices imposed on charedim.

  9. Aml, what is the legal definition used for the subsidy? I hope it is not by the dress code, address or vote. If your son learns all the time he is not working or doing chores, he should quality for Torah being his occupation. Please encourage him to apply for the subsidies and see where legal process goes

  10. Can somebody please tell me why they didn’t replace her when they came into office? (or at least as soon as she started showing who she is?)

    Is there some reason preventing them?

  11. AML, there is something wrong about your comment. I am a working charedi mother and i get childcare subsidy, i know the criteria you need to fill out on the forms. In no way is this for charedi families only, thats a blatant lie. Its for lower income families where both parents work or one parent is working and the other studying, this can be university, or IDF, or kollel. You need to prove the hours you are out of the house and you need to prove you are earning below a certain bracket. Baruch hashem, i am happy for you that your children are most likely earning above the bracket and therefore not eligible for the subsidy.

  12. Amalek and the erev rav still thriving. If only moshe rabbenu was here to lead a battle against these hitlers that are choking us daily. Why do we allow this rishus

  13. If a non-Chareidi bochur refuses to enlist in the IDF, than his family should also lose any subsidies they receive from the government. This policy should be applied uniformly to anyone refusing to obey the law regarding military service.

  14. rebEmes:
    If the idolaters would stop praying for the idol, then the idol would be vanquished. Meanwhile, keep having the idol in mind when praying viLaMalshinim, as the Brisker Rav noted. Surely, Hashem will have mercy on His beloved children and very soon remove that idol from the world forever.

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