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Chareidi Draft Protesters Break Into IDF Induction Center

Extremist Chareidi protesters on Tuesday who were holding a protest against the Chareidi draft for the second consecutive day at the Tel HaShomer induction center in central Israel broke into the base on Tuesday afternoon.

Videos of the scene show the situation spiraling out of control as soldiers and police officers try to forcibly remove the protesters.

A large number of police and IDF forces were called to the scene to restore order.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. They broke in… to the place they are not meant to be going to… am I missing something?!

    This must be an outstanding zechus for Klal Yisroel in these difficult days.

  2. I say that if they’re that desperate to get into an induction center, let them – it should be understood as volunteering to join the army.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. If you think vandalizing an army office is a problem, what happens if they take up sabotaging military vehicles, giving passwords to Palestinian “activists”, or even fragging. As if the Israelis don’t have problems with fighting the goyim, they take up fighting the Bnei Torah as well.

  4. Hooligans in black suits. This is not the derech of the Torah. She v’lo taaseh. Go back to the beis medrash. You give a bad name to real bnei Torah.

  5. Such a Chillul Hashem. If you don’t want to report, don’t go to the recruitment center. To break into a place that you don’t want to be is an example of insanity.

  6. They should all be drafted immediatly, and sent as individuals to all female units.
    Only secular woman can teach some mentchalachkeit to these vilda chayos.

  7. clearly not busy learning.plenty of time to protest and illegally enter the base.they should be thrown into jail. genuine learners were not amongst them

  8. Much of Jewish life is about balance. One should never veer off to either extreme. This behavior is what happens when one is raise with a Hashkafa of division and not unity. History shows us we suffer as a people when we are divided.

  9. They want to fight the torah, they’ll fight Iran and hezbolla instead. The few pennies the wicked government wants to save from paying the learners, they’ll pay billions more in defense. When will they wake up and see their stupidity

  10. Meanwhile, the liberal Isreali government and courts are placating these murders incarcerated with privileges and ” entitled rights” more than the victims of these butchers!!!! You want cognitive dissonance!!!!

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