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Only 48 Out Of 900 Chareidim Who Received Draft Orders Reported To IDF Induction Centers

Only about 48 Chareidim reported to induction centers on Monday out of 900 who received initial draft orders and were required to register at the centers.

An IDF official told Kan News that more Chareidim would have registered but were deterred by the protesters outside the center. However, the vast majority of Chareidim did not report due to the instructions of their Roshei Yeshivos and Gedolei HaDor to ignore the orders.

Extremists held another protest on Tuesday outside induction centers.

The IDF stated that anyone who does not report for the initial draft order after two summons will be categorized as a deserter, with the resulting criminal ramifications.

MK Yuli Edelstein, the chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, commented on the failure: “The sending of the draft orders in a hasty, arrogant, and unilateral manner not only caused a resounding failure but led to the opposite result.”

“The Supreme Court and the Defense Ministry operated in a method of ‘send and forget about it’ – and here is the result. Now everyone understands that there’s only one way to bring about a historical correction, one that will unite society and introduce a necessary fighting force into the IDF. Only a conscription law reached in a balanced, responsible, and thorough manner will result in Chareidi recruitment. Any other gimmick – will join 76 years of failure.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. I suspect the 5% who showed up were planning to join the army anyways. The Zionists have a distorted view of history (Masada, Bar Kochba … Moses Mendelssohn, Theodore Herzl, but they leave out everything in the middle since it was too frum for their tastes). So it comes as a shock to discover that frum Jews see Torah and Mitsvos as the basis of Jewish survival, that than military strength.

  2. “It comes as a shock to discover that frum Jews see Torah and Mitsvos as the basis of Jewish survival, that than military strength….”

    What is a “shock” is that both sides see this as a binary choice, given that BOTH failed on simchas torah. A combination of limud torah coupled with a strong military is the only real option for survival of am yisroel and eretz yisroel. Kol hakovod to the 48 bochurim who understand this reality and are prepared to sacrifice to defend their families

  3. Lurker:
    No, that Zionist twisting of the Torah is also false, like all the others.
    The Zionist army is not a Jewish army, for starters. It’s actually anti-Jewish to its core, given that core is Zionism.

  4. Until March 1973 we had conscription in the US. Many, like myself, enlisted out of a sense of American patriotism without waiting to be drafted. Unfortunately, it was popular among judges at that time to issue an ultimatum to first time offenders, for crimes such as auto theft, to those of draft age: a year in prison or three years in the army. Many chose the army, to the detriment of the service. They brought their bad behavior with them. It terrified me to the core, worrying what serving in combat in Southeast Asia with such people would be like, and with good reason. They were untrustworthy without a single redeeming quality. That’s what happens when unmotivated people are told to fight. They don’t, and often get their fellow soldiers killed.

  5. Lurker
    If according to the Torah you should join the army as opposed to learning why isn’t there any gedoiley yosroel calling for everyone to join? Unless of course you are the biggest godal….

  6. I heard from an Adam gadol who was told by a satmar chosid: “The problem with zionists is that they turned the state into avoda zara.” He replied, “And some people turn their anti zionism also into avoda zara.” There is a reality of 6 million Yidden living in E’Y b’siyata d’shmaya. Whether you agree or not that the state should exist, it does. It is the reality. Live with and try to make the best of it. Instead of the sina against anyone who doesn’t share your view, try for once eilu v’eilu divrei Elokim Chaim

  7. Mr. Lurker the quote “האחיכם יבואו למלחמה ואתם תשבו פה” was said to sheperds and cattle tenders, not to yeshiva stuents/shevet Levi. Check your sources. And to my dear Mr. HaKatan, the soldiers on the ground are very Jewish – Ma’aminim mamesh. The Generals, on the other hand, have been ruined by the Wexner foundation and are all apikorsim.

  8. Gadol HaTGorah: “So it comes as a shock to discover that frum Jews see Torah and Mitsvos as the basis of Jewish survival, that than military strength.”

    The context is that the Zionists, due to their deliberate ignoring of Jewish history, find it shocking that frum Jews see Jewish survival as a function of Yiddishkeit rather than military strength.

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