Chassidish Leaders Join Litvsih, Sephardi Counterparts: “Forbidden To Report To Induction Centers”

Illustrative. Gerrer bochurim. (Photo: Moshe Goldstein)

As the recruitment of bnei yeshivos reached the operational stage on Monday, with the first Charedi draftees scheduled to appear at induction centers, Chassidish leaders in Eretz Yisrael instructed bnei yeshivos not to comply with draft orders.

Litvish and Sephardi Roshei Yeshivos have already instructed their talmidim not to report to induction centers.

A letter published by Chassidish leaders states: “Since the IDF authorities recently sent draft orders to bochurim and avreichim for the purpose of recuriting them into the army, we would like to clarify that Gedolei Yisrael have already ordered that it is forbidden to enlist in the army under any circumstances. Even if the IDF establishes strictly Chareidi Mehadrin companies and brigades, they have already proven that they do not end up sticking with it.”

“And even if they partially accommodate Chareidim at first, after a while, it’s impossible to remain Shomer Torah u’mitzvos k’halacha there. Even if they say that now they’ll insist that they can remain Chareidi Mehadrin there, al pi din Torah, they have no ne’amanus [trustworthiness] on this. We know very clearly that there is not one Gadol b’Yisrael who disagrees on this issue.”

“Therefore, we would like to instruct, in accordance with the opinions of all Gedolei HaDor, that all bochurim and avreichim who receive draft orders are forbidden to report to induction centers.”

“And Hashem Yisbarach should guard His nation Yisrael to withstand all nisyonos and remain Jews faithful to Hashem and His Torah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. The assertion “it’s impossible to remain Shomer Torah u’mitzvos k’halacha there” is a baldfaced lie. Tell that to the countless beautiful בני תורה serving honorably who are davening, learning, and even making סיומים from behind enemy lines ה’ ישמרם ויחיים. Make that assertion to the Pashkaner Rebbe שליט”א who is a brigadier general in the IDF.

    It is a time of war and Israel is trying to get their hostages back, which makes the war a מלחמת מצוה. It is a matter of פיקוח נפש that cannot be overstated.

    The world owes you nothing. Do you truly live a life dedicated to Torah learning? If so, then פת במלח תאכל. Past that, כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה.

  2. Love to see their definition of Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvos as I know a whole bunch of folks who served in the IDF and are Frum by any standard I’ve ever learned. Can anyone enlighten me please?

  3. The letter says that there is not a gadol b’Israel that disagrees. This seems to mean that these gedolim do not regard other Talmidei Chachamim who hold differently as gedolim. A great example of ahavas Yisroel and very appropriate in a letter discussing neemanus.

  4. There is only one solution, every Israeli should become “Frum”, they should join their own Yeshiva, not go to the army.
    When the Arabs are all standing by the gates ready to come in and take over the country , then suddenly everyone will want to join the army.

  5. At some point every revolution becomes the institution it sought to replace. The Baal Shem Tov started a revolution against a Torah world that was out of reach and and out of touch with the masses of simple Yidden. Other than Chabad, who do participate in the IDF and are found in all communities in E’Y, the chassidic world has turned inward and insular, becoming the “fortress against the masses” instead of the revolution for the masses. ללמוד ולעשות has become limited to “safe” mitzvos – bikur cholim, tomchei Shabbos, etc. אל תעמוד על דם רעיך not so much, even though we are דוחה all other mitzvos for pikuach nefesh.

  6. To all you frummies out there who want to ruin the Yeshiva world, please see Masches Makos Daf 10 “עומדות היה רגלינו בשעריך ירושלים”

  7. In the middle of the war, it was dumb of the Zionists to open a new front against the Bnei Torah. From a Jewish perspective, it is convenient to have a medinah (minimal problem getting a job that accommodates Shabbos, no hassle kashrus, not having to finance day schools with tuition and schnorring, etc.), but learning Torah is a matter of law and death that determines Jewish survival. If Hamas succeeds in getting Israel to give up learning Torah, then they will have won the greatest victory in the history of Islam. Empires rise and fall, but up to know, none of the goyim have figured out how to destroy the Jewish people.

  8. Ari Knobler and other Zionists:
    It is absolutely true. The Zionist army is the brainwashing center of Zionist shmad/idolatrous replacement for Judaism. Even if you still put on Tefillin, if your emunah has been destroyed and religion replaced with Zionism, that is not anymore Judaism. Zionism is shmad. Period.

  9. Other than the outright falsehoods in this letter, I’m sure it’s a great message, full of Ahavas Yisrael and Areivus for one’s fellow Yid. Unfortunately, I could not get past the lies to read the rest of it and see these messages myself, as I was too nauseated by that point.

    This is not the Yiddishkeit I learned as a child, where there was an emphasis on Emes – “Chosomo shel HKB”H Emes”. It reminds me of the joke about what Frum actually stands for – “fil rishus, veinig mitzvos” – but it’s become less and less of a joke these days. I start to understand the ma’amar of Chazal regarding the Dor of Mashiach that “Pnei hador k’pnei haKelev” – and it seems that it does not necessarily refer to the hamon am.

    I am Mocheh on the insults to the memories of the Kedoshim, Tehorim, and Talmidei Chachamim who loved Torah and Mitzvos no less – and probably much more – than the authors of this letter and others like this and fell Al Kidush Hashem in Gaza. After 120 years, those Kedoshim will be witnesses for the persecution in the Beis Din shel Ma’ala against those who refused to participate in the defense of their fellow Jews in a Milchemes Mitzvah – and those who led them astray down that path. I do not envy those on trial then.

    an Israeli Yid

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