Israel: Gov’t to Discuss Next Expulsion-Compensation Plan

The government on Sunday will be briefed by Minister Chaim Ramon regarding a plan addressing expulsion and compensation for residents of Yehuda and Shomron who may be compelled to relocate to areas “that will remain under Israeli sovereignty”.

It is not expected that the matter will be brought to a vote at the weekly cabinet meeting, but it will serve more as a trial balloon for Olmert, who is working expeditiously to sign and agreement with the PA (Palestinian Authority) prior to stepping down from office.

Minister Ami Ayalon (Labor) called the expulsion/compensation move “legitimate,” adding it is one of the lessons from Gaza, one that will simplify efforts towards a two-state solution.

MK (Kadima) Otniel Schneller, who is considered to be close to Prime Minister Olmert, stated the plan is totally unacceptable, adding one does not determine permanent borders via political blackmail.

Shas leader Minister Eli Yishai stated the nation has yet to heal from the “miserable Gaza expulsion” and “illegitimate” plans are already underway for another one.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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