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MORE DETAILS ON HANIYEH’S ELIMINATION: A Missile Aimed Directly At His Body At 2 A.M.

The elimination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh overnight Tuesday was carried out by a surface-to-surface guided missile fired from an Israeli aircraft from a neighboring country, according to Lebanese reports.

According to Sky News in Arabic, the missile that “was aimed directly at his body” killed Haniyeh and one of his bodyguards. The strike occurred at 2:00 a.m. Tehran time.

However, Israel’s Channel 12 News reported that the missile that killed Haniyeh was fired from within Iran and was not fired from a plane or a drone, as Tehran claimed, from a “third country.”

Haniyeh and his delegation, who attended the swearing-in of new Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian on Tuesday, were staying at a guest house for war veterans of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in northern Tehran, sources in Hamas told Arab media outlets. According to the same sources, Ziyad al-Nakhalah, the head of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and his delegation were in the same building on another floor.

“Haniyeh, who had come to Iran for the inauguration ceremony of the president, was staying in one of the special residences for war veterans in north Tehran when he was martyred by an air-launched missile,” Iranian news outlets stated.

The New York Times reported that following the elimination, Iran held an emergency meeting of its Supreme National Security Council at the residence of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. According to the report, such a meeting is extremely rare and is held only in “extraordinary circumstances.”

Iran declared three days of mourning for Haniyeh and a funeral will take place in Tehran on Thursday. His body will then be flown to Doha, Qatar, his residence since 2019, where another funeral will be held on Friday.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. What the Iranians should be really worried about is, if they believe that the Israelis were behind this terrorist’s execution, who gave them very explicit and exact information, and that the Israelis have the knowledge and skill to use the intelligence information they can gather. Then the Iranians should be bothered about who will be next in line to meet their former President in his new residence in Hell, after that unfortunate air “accident”.

  2. The Ayatollah should count his blessings and not rock the revenge boat because he and any other Iranian that Israel chooses could be next. The IAF has demonstrated that they can sneak into Iranian airspace, eliminate their target, and leave undetected, leaving only the radar signature of an air to ground missile.

  3. I just dont buy the comments in other places that a frum Yid lobbies for Erdogan and Qatar the main funders of Hamas who host Hamas.

  4. I imagine when they say his “body will be flown to Doha” the cargo can fit in an ash tray. Direct hit on his body from a missile, North Korea style!

  5. “At his body”????

    Perhaps the headline writer meant on the building in which his body happened to be at the time. Even precision missiles fired from aircraft don’t do 90 degree turns through a window and up the staircase to the bedroom.
    In any event, kol hakovod to whomever arranged this unfortunate encounter with a missile for the niftar.

  6. Well apparently the headline is correct since another YWN news article says the missile was fired from a nearby building and they literally could have aimed it right through the window. Doesn’t really matter since as laptop says, he can now fit into an ashtay.

  7. “Zihad Al Nakahle the head of the terriost Islamic Jihad group was in the same building on another floor”…

    And ?????

    Why wasn’t he targeted as well ???? Is the IDF running out of missiles ????

    Very odd…….

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