With Bibi In US: Ben-Gvir Creates Stir By Claiming Change To Staus Quo At Har HaBayis

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visits Har HaBayis on Asara B'Teves, January 3, 2023.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Wednesday morning created a stir on Tuesday morning by announcing that the political leadership “allows Jewish tefilla on Har HaBayis.”

The provocative annocument came at a sensitive time, with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Washington to drum up support for Israel’s war in Gaza.

Speaking at a conference held at the Knesset in support of Jewish tefilla at Har HaBayis, Ben-Gvir said that he davened last week at Har Habyis and then said: “I’m part of the political leadership and the political leadership allows Jewish tefillah on Har HaBayis.”

Ben-Gvir then added that he argued with Netanyahu about closing off Har HaBayis [to Jews] for the last ten days of Ramadan and in the past, when he would go up to Har HaBayis, Arabs would yell “Allahu Akbar’ at him and he shouted back ‘Shema Yisrael,’ and he was arrested. “Today it’s different,” he said. “Many people go there, walk around proudly and daven – that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

In response, Finance Committee chairman Moshe Gafni (UTJ) said: “Aliyah to Har HaBayis involves an issur chamur of chiyuv kareis. I demand that the prime minister not allow a change in the status quo on Har HaBayis and if there is a change, to close Har HaBayis to Jews.”

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel (Shas) slammed Ben-Gvir from the Knesset plenum, saying that Ben-Gvir’s statements “are a Chillul Hashem and are opposed to the position of Gedolei Yisrael. I am expressing my opposition.”

Arbel added: “The day will come when the era of Ben-Gvir’s provocations will be replaced. The Torah will never be replaced.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. Clearly some memories are exceedingly short, since it is barely 11 days since we read פרשת חקת & the exceedingly serious repercussions of setting foot on הר-הבית whilst טמא לנפש אדם

  2. Idealists are the ones who start wars…..

    Maybe this is how it should be, maybe it’s not how it should be. But the point is that right now it’s not the status quo and what definitely is the case is that this is absolutely the wrong way to go about changing it without angering tons of people.

  3. For all those “anti-Ben Gvir”s out there, just realize that you sound the same as anti zionist Neturay Karta. Look in the mirror.

    Also, it reveals that you are not jewish, rather zionist. Real jews are either like Ben Gvir, who want to build the Miqdash, or are anti zionist entirely, like NK (depending on Galus mentality)

    But to be anti Ben Gvir AND anti Neturay Karta, is simply “Zionist”.
    Look at yourself in the mirror (i know its assur to, but……) and ask yourself: am I jewish or zionist?

  4. How zionist use Torah and what’s holy only for self glory and not spiritual nobody will say to go there for any purpose other then some political thing from the days of the prophets literally his own satan

  5. It’s not so clear that going up on the Har haBayis is assur. Many, including R’ Moshe, allowed it. While there are definitely areas that must be avoided, there are also some areas that are definitely NOT where the Beis Hamikdash stood, and those areas are permitted.
    The Rambam said that one shouldn’t go on the Har Habayis except for religious purposes – this would exclude touring. R’ Tendler zt”l went onto the Har Habayis numerous times, and made a point to break off a branch from a tree that grew there, which he would later burn. This is a mitzvah, so therefore according to the Rambam, he had a valid reason to be there.
    Obviously, if one follows a Rav who allows it, you must still prepare properly – immersing in a mikvah, not wearing leather shoes, and then following the proper rules of conduct while on the mountain.

  6. DaMoshe:
    It’s very clear that it is forbidden. All the Torah giants in E”Y forbade it. Rav Moshe never said you should go, either. And, for your purposes, even the “Modern Orthodox” Rabbis forbade it.

  7. 147: maybe learn halacha. Tammei met is prohibited from going on the azarah, not all of har habait. Har habait is only assur for gentiles and tammei guf.

  8. HaKatan, it is not at all clear that all authorities monolithically forbid it. I would suggest not judging another Jew based on the psak that you follow. There are prominent Halachik authorities in certain sects that permit it by principle of טומאה הותרה בציבור. Also, consider that the Mishkan work began in טומאה, as the Parah Aduma ash was only used on the 3rd day. In the days of Chizkiya and in the first 22 years of the Bayit Sheini, where korbanot were permitted to be brought btuma’a. There is certainly precedent to being on the mikdash grounds btuma’a.

  9. I recall that for several years, YWN routinely added a standard editorial footnote in all articles dealing with the issue of going up to har habayis that doing so was against the prevailing view of most rabbonim and doing so was chayav kores. = Whether or not “all” rabbonim are in agreement is irrelevant although most do. The real question is why Ben Gvir is seeking to provoke another area of conflict and bloodshed with both local Palestinians as well as other Arab nations, some of whom EY is trying to engage with. The security forces are already stretched to their limits between Hamas in Gaza, Hezbolah on the northern front, West Bank terrorists and the Chareidi crazies engaging in violent demonstrations against the draft. It seems like BG wants more bloodshed and will do his best to assure that outcome, especially with Bibi out of the country.

  10. Wow, I can just imagine Dorah drooling with glee while writing “Chareidi crazies engaging in violent demonstrations against the draft”. She would be better off writing science fiction.

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