WATCH: Chicago Imam Teaches Kids “#1 Goal Is To Die As Muslim”

In the heart of America, an Islamic imam is teaching children that their number one goal in life is “to die as a Muslim.”

Colorado Imam Karim Abuzaid taught a children’s class last month at the Darul Quran mosque in Chicago, where he instructed the children to scream that they want to “die as a Muslim.”

He encouraged the children to “die as a Muslim” to go to Paradise where they can “eat and drink as much as they want without going to the bathroom.”

Watch the video below, transcribed by the Middle East Media Research Institute:

A video below filmed in Philadephia is even worse, featuring children saying: “We will chop off their heads, and we will subject them to eternal torture — Our Palestine must return to us.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. I think the top video is not expressing hate. We Yiden also teach that our goal is to go to Gan Eden after living 120 years.

  2. As a yid, dying Al-Kiddush-Hashem is the greatest thing. And in certain circumstances it must be done (3 Aveiros etc.)
    I definitely taught that to my children, I hoped you did too.

  3. What strange comments. As yidden we strive to live Al Kiddush Hashem. If we die, then we hope it will be Al Kiddush Hashem. Doesn’t mean we strive to be murdered or murder Chas vsholom

  4. i like his lesson in shmiras einayim!!!!!!!!!!
    maybe they should get him do to a video for “vayimoen”!!!!!!!

  5. Silly post, we do the same for our children and what’s more there is absolutely nothing wrong with dying as a muslim

  6. I have to agree with earlier comments. I thought the same thing while watching this. While we as Yidden cherish and value and emphasize life, we do value dying Al Kiddush Hashem. But that isn’t even what he’s saying. He’s saying that to go to Olam Haba, one must die as a Muslim, just as we teach to die as an ehliche Yid to go to Olam Haba. Why is this any different or controversial??

    The second video is concerning.

    We gotta be careful with what we publicize. Things we Yidden say can be equally taken out of context. And things we do in public which are non threatening (of course) can be seen as foreign or against current morals and therefore threatening and open to similar scrutiny. Let’s not tolerate such attacks, regardless of who is attacked!

  7. This is classic 2nd Temple period Rabbinic Judaism.
    This sentiment comes from the Maccabean revolt against Greece.

    It’s amazing how the whole world is influenced by Rabbinic Judaism, but corrupted and “misprioritized” (wrong priority), taken out of context, and internationalized.
    And then they make fun of Rabbis… lol!

    By the way, “Jana” is short for “גן עדן”, and “Jahanam”, is גיהנם, literally “the valley of waste “, which is itself short for גי בן הנם, because the Cnaanim, and the jews who were influenced by them, would sacrifice their son there to Molech.

    The main priority in the Torah, is to follow the Bris of the Torah, to be rewarded in the Land flowing with Milk and Honey, and not to trangress, worship other gods, and then have no rain and be exiled from the Land.

    But always remember: if you say “i dont want the schar or the onesh”
    אני ה אלוהיכם…… על כרחך אני מלככם

  8. What some people are missing is that our goal as Jews is not suffer through life and do the mitzvos and withhold from aveiros, and if you manage to do that and die as a Jew you get to go to Gan Eden. Our goal is to live right now as Jews, and follow the Torah and come as close to Hashem as possible right now when you are alive. Now by accomplishing that you will be able to be even closer to Hashem when you are dead and just a spiritual being at that point but unable to accomplish even more. But we don’t focus on doing all of this and to live like this so we will finally be able to die and get our earned reward. I don’t see anywhere in davening that we pray to die as Jews. We daven for all that we need in order to accomplish our mission in life in coming close to Hashem.

  9. @not afraid, @TorahJewfromNY, @BobbysforJ, & @YiddeisheMentch.

    At first i thought the same, however if you listen to last part of the video, he wasn’t just talking about dying as a believing muslim per se (which even that in itself, besides for the fact that islam may not be on the level of xistianism in kefira etc, is still a foreign religion, and a jew who converts to islam ch”v is pasul like any other jew that leaves Judaism, their wine is yayin nesech etc), he was talking about jihad without the words. How do i know, because of the way he describes it, in a dramatic eery creepy way; to daaaay as a moooslim. He didn’t merely mention that at the time of passing they should still be “within the fold”, rather it should be a DEATH (ch”v).

    And to all the other comments in a similar vein here, what was his stated purpose for wanting to go to gan eden, and further implying and indoctrinating the children so?
    He himself said- so that they can eat and drink without having to go to the toilet.

    Is it still too hard to understand the difference between the Torat Elokim and lehavdil havdalot bli gvul – islam?

    Do you prehaps not know of the different levels of gan eden mentioned in their clown lustful religion?

    Some levels attained will gain you apparently the ability to eat and drink without having to be excused, some to attain 70 you know whats (but for that you have to do real jihad), and more and more along those lines.

    Way off, we teach our children to be religious, moral, kind and holy, not by running away from this world, but by DAVKA living through it, and purifying ourselves thereby – and the reward?

    To be able to be נהנה מזיו השכינה, to bask in the ultimate holiness, be closer to Hashem, to be amongst likeminded holy people, to be closer to Tzadikim who in this world we looked up to and were mekane kinat sofrim.

    In a similar vein, as it says that we wait for moshiach not for the material gain, or for the dominance over the other nations, rather for the holiness it will bring us.

    @frishe kigel, I am assuming that your comment was totally (and funnily) sarcastic. This is the biggest mistake and guaranteed opposite outcome to teach shmirat enayim in such a way. When walking past a bad immodest picture or site on the road, I would not tell my child , “you see that? don’t look at it” stupid to say. I would just engage them in a very interesting topic that would occupy their mind to divert their attention, or if they already did see and questioned me about it, i would say “nebach some people are so poor they can’t afford clothes, don’t look at them it’s not nice.” But i would still teach them about shmirat enayim once away from that place, so that they can intake the message, and put it to lemasseh when they will one time be on their own, and not have me there to do the above…

    I wonder what other people here think about my method….

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