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CRY ME A RIVER TO THE SEA: UNRWA Chief Moans That Half Of His Gaza Facilities Were Destroyed

The head of the UNRWA, Philippe Lazzarini, moaned and groaned that since the war began, half of the agency’s facilities in the territory have been destroyed. This destruction, he claims, has resulted in the deaths of over 500 people, including employees and displaced individuals seeking shelter.

Lazzarini, the Commissioner-General of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), made the remarks during a news conference alongside Egyptian Foreign Minister Badr Abdelaty. The Egyptian official reaffirmed his country’s support for UNRWA, which has faced accusations from Israel – along with a mountain of evidence – of collaborating with Hamas and perpetuating the Palestinian refugee crisis. UNRWA denies these allegations.

The comments came as the IDF announced operations at UNRWA headquarters, located near the Rimal neighborhood in Gaza City. The IDF has previously discovered significant Hamas tunnel infrastructure and engaged in battles with gunmen in the area.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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