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Egypt Offers to Help Build Anti-Smuggling Barrier in Gaza in Exchange for Ceasefire

Egypt has offered to collaborate with the United States to construct a cutting-edge underground barrier to prevent the smuggling of weapons into Gaza, according to a report by Army Radio. This proposal is contingent upon Israel agreeing to a ceasefire and hostage deal.

According to the report, Egypt is willing to commence work on the barrier as early as the first days of the potential truce. This offer comes after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu presented a list of non-negotiable demands for an agreement, including the prevention of weapon smuggling from Egypt into Gaza.

The Israeli military has discovered at least 25 cross-border smuggling tunnels between Egypt and Gaza, with some being previously known and others newly discovered upon entering the border area. The construction of an anti-smuggling barrier would aim to prevent the flow of weapons and ammunition into Gaza, a key Israeli demand for a lasting ceasefire.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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