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Gantz: All Gazans Who Crossed The Border On Oct. 7 Deserved To Die

National Unity chairman Benny Gantz commented on the case of the three Israelis who were arrested for allegedly murdering a Hamas terrorist on October 7.

“October 7th was the day of the greatest disaster in the history of the country,” Gantz said. “Many heroes arose on that day – soldiers, members of security squads, police officers and civilians – who fought bravely and many of them fell in battle.”

Gantz then interjected, saying that he has not personally seen the evidence regarding the suspects but “at the same time, it is important to say as a matter of principle – all Gazans who crossed the border that day deserved death. All of them were a clear and immediate danger. We must remember that there were many weapons in the area and some of the terrorists also acted as drivers who abducted civilians.”

“Therefore, in that situation of chaos, surprise and guerilla fighting for many hours, we must fully support those who fought – soldiers, police officers, or civilians. This is our duty towards those who saved human lives and protected our country, and I believe that the law enforcement system will also act in this spirit.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Finally a voice of reason among the insane leftist legal appointees. They have totally lost their minds bending over backwards to show how “moral” Israel is and want to prosecute those who jumped into the fray on Oct 7 to save and defend ppl.

  2. Any terrorist anywhere is automatically חייב מיתה no questions asked, and this wicked evil salacious supreme court should all be disbarred & permanently locked up with the most heinous terrorists, for the safety & sanity of 🇮🇱

  3. His comments are true. To the extent that the far left judicial system is attempting to meddle in matters of national defense and security that are outside its proper area of expertise and jurisdiction, the IDF should seriously consider arresting members of the judicial system who seditiously interfere with national defense and security. A strong step this would be, but it may become necessary if the judicial system arrogantly tries to impose itself in matters that in all other nations judicial systems are barred from participation.

  4. @NaNachIsntBreslov @philosopher You must be American since no Israeli would ever say such a silly statement. Gantz is a leftist that would not hesitate to establish a terror state next door.

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