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IDF Admits: Drafting Chareidim En Masse Is “Impossible And Impractical”

The IDF admitted that the recruitment of tens of thousands of Charedim is “neither possible nor practical,” an internal IDF document revealed according to a Kan News report.

Therefore, the IDF wants to begin drafting Chareidim, as mandated by the Supreme Court, by recruiting only those who are already working and not learning full-time. In order to accomplish this, the IDF requested data from the Israel Tax Authority and Bituach Leumi. The data is expected to be transferred to the IDF within two weeks.

Meanwhile, a meeting was held this week headed by Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara about the IDF’s fulfillment of the Supreme Court ruling regarding the recruitment of all Chareidim eligible for the draft.

At the meeting, IDF officials said that they want to avoid drafting Chareidim by force, preferring to do so via “marketing,” with a goal of recruiting 3,000 Chareidim this year in addition to the 1,800 Chareidim already serving.

However, Deputy Attorney-General Gil Limon, whom Likud minister Dovid Amsalem has called the “most dangerous man in the country,” insisted that the IDF’s position contradicts the court’s ruling.

Ultimately, Baharav-Miara reached a “compromise,” allowing the IDF to recruit Charedim via “marketing” through August. But if the IDF doesn’t meet the target number, it will have to to issue forced draft orders to Chareidim in the next recruitment cycle.

Meanwhile, although the IDF says that it is only capable of recruiting 3,000 Chareidim this year out of over 60,000 Chareidim eligible for the draft, the Supreme Court and Attorney-General ordered the immediate halt of funding to yeshivos and kollelim, a ruling based on a very shaky legal foundation.

B’Chadrei Chareidim reporter Yanki Farber stated on Monday that he knows of many Chareidi bochurim who recently tried to enlist in the IDF but were turned away.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. The ikkar is to cut off funding. They’ll join Klal Yisroel on their own when their welfare is cut off.

  2. That’s not because they don’t need the 60,000.
    It’s that the logistics of accommodating 60,000 soldiers who will be needing all kinds of special accommodations are too much to deal with right now.

    Meanwhile, they are ready to take 3,000.

  3. As Rav Sternbuch שליט”א said by the Atzers in Meoh Sheorim last week: They don’t want the Chareidim, they don’t need the chareidim they just want to DESTROY TORAH AND JUDAISM! If they can’t do that inside the army, at least strangle them financially.

  4. “B’Chadrei Chareidim reporter Yanki Farber stated on Monday that he knows of many Chareidi bochurim who recently tried to enlist in the IDF but were turned away.“

    Of course they’re going to be turned away you have to be crazy if you are going to serve in the army

    The army doesn’t want משוגעים 🤪

  5. They are obviously not going to divert scarce resources during a war to develop the needed training programs for Chareidi yungerleit who lack the basic skills to function in a military environment. It makes total sense to prioritize the drafting of those bochurim who are already in the workforce and presumably have the minimal computer literacy and communication skills. It will take years to develop and implement the needed programs to fully integrate Chareidim into either the IDF or alternative public service programs for which they may be better suited

  6. @Gadolhadorah: Most bochrim and avreichim are far more skilled than many of the uneducated graduates of the state un-education system. Torah teaches everything!

  7. It’s all about destroying Torah and the Shomer Torah U’Mitzvos life.

    AYidIsEhrlich probably doesn’t learn a blasted word. Probably should learn some Torah.

  8. Davidknoi: I’m not sure what “skills” you are referencing and I’d agree that many bochurim have outstanding analytic and reasoning skills . However, there are certain computer, internet and related technical skills they could easily acquire but will take some time.. Likewise, there are certain social and group skills in the military that are different from those acquired learning with a chavrusah and will also take some time. Bottom line is that Chareidim can excel in whatever endeavor they engage but it will take some time which is not readily available in wartime.

  9. Israeli Yeshiva bochurim aren’t accustomed to following rules. There are Yeshivos (mostly Chevron style) where bochurim have more power than the Hanhala and the Hanhala caves to the bochurim.

  10. David,

    If they are so “skilled” and “Torah teaches everything”, why are two-thirds of chardei children currently living below the poverty line? Why all the crying over the loss of government funding? Why are charedim constantly descending on the U.S. in droves to beg for money?

  11. DavidtheKanoi – as soon as you switch your personal doctor from a professional with a diploma from an accredited medical school to a chareidi knucklehead fresh out of kollel, then I’ll believe you.

  12. The level of negative vitriol here is pretty intense. I’d like to make a few points:
    1. Most of the Chareidim are under the poverty line, because being successful in the Chareidi world (unfortunately) doesn’t translate into financial success. If you think that this fact defines those individuals as unsuccessful losers, that means you have a fundamentally different worldview than they do.

    2. Another point- the fact that a person isn’t skilled or trained in areas that allow them to act successfully in a secular setting doesn’t make him a knucklehead. It makes him an individual who lives in an insular society. The fact that Chareidim are Chareidim only defines them as losers if you define success by the secular community’s benchmarks.

    One final point:
    3. Even if YOU believe that Chareidim ought to serve in the army – this does not mean that the COURT’s recent decision is motivated by agreeing with your personal philosophy. It should be possible for a reasonable person to believe that Chareidim ought to serve, while at the same time recognizing that the High Court is trying to strangle and destroy the Torah world.

  13. maskildoresh – a kollel yungerleit who has never even mastered high-school-level mathematics but believes that he is a brilliant scientist or engineer or doctor because of סוד ה ליראיו or הפוך בה הפוך בה דכולה בה (or some other maamar Chazal that his disingenuous chareidi Rosh Yeshiva misquotes to him) is indeed not only a knucklehead, but a delusional baal gaavah.

    Didn’t your mother ever tell you not to go around with an exaggerated sense of entitlement??

  14. maskildoresh,

    Very nice philosophy but reality is that most charedim are not even “skilled” enough to feed their own families without begging for help. That’s a fundamental, systemic failure that has nothing to do with “success by the secular community’s benchmarks”.

  15. If you learn Torah correctly, you should have transferable skills. When you read Gemora about Shmuel’s medical knowledge or you read Rambam, your immediate reaction should be – I need to know this stuff, so you go peruse a medical book and learn LIKE Shmuel or Rambam did. (R Twersky suggests learning physiology and doing it outside of yeshiva hours).

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