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Yair Netanyahu Accuses Judicial System Of “Destroying The State”

In a social media post, Yair Netanyahu, the son of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, launched a scathing attack on the country’s judicial system.

Alongside a picture from a recent court hearing related to the October 7 terrorist attack, Yair wrote, “The Supreme Court and the Attorney General’s office are destroying the state.”

This is not the first time Yair Netanyahu has spoken out against senior figures in the defense establishment. Last month, he targeted Air Force Commander Tomer Bar in a tweet, questioning his actions on the day of the terrorist attack. “Where was he and what did he do on October 7?” he asked.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. I don’t know if it’s destroying the deep state, but it’s definitely destroying any semblance of democracy.

  2. Give me an option to either kill Hamas, or the supreme bathroom toilets , and everyone involved in the judicial system in Israel, I would go for the latter without blinking an eye. I would say a bracha “אשר קידשנו במצוותיו וציונו לבער הרע מקרבנו״ with shem umalchus.

  3. There is no question that the far left Supreme Court and Attorney General are destroying democracy by acting on matters outside their proper jurisdiction and meddling in matters of national security and foreign policy that lie wholly outside of their expertise and outside of matters that traditionally lie within the exclusive purview of the elected branches of government.

    Moreover, their arrogating to themselves the ability to appoint their own successors is the very antithesis of democracy.

    Israel must undergo major judicial reform to restore proper balance among the branches of government.

  4. “Destroying The State” Hindering & interfering with the election & appointment of 2 New Venerated Chief Rabbis, is so unconscionable & shocking beyond belief, that not only destroying The State, but destroying themselves as well as entire fabric of society, in addition to destroying their עולם-הבא

  5. Well he wasn’t partying in USA somewhere on a beach…
    He was probably partying somewhere in eilat…..

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