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IGNORED WARNING: IDF Sergeant’s Desperate Plea Before Hamas Massacre Revealed

A shocking revelation emerged on Thursday night on Channel 12 News, exposing a dire warning issued by a female sergeant from 8200, the Israeli military’s elite intelligence unit, just before the devastating Hamas massacre in the Gaza envelope on October 7. The sergeant’s email, sent to several high-ranking officers, including the intelligence officer of the Gaza Division, was tragically ignored, despite its urgent and explicit warnings.

In the email, the sergeant wrote, “The sword is coming. The time to warn the people is now.” She detailed her assessment of the impending attack, stating, “The training shows us that the ‘Jericho Wall’ plan is realistic and rehearsed, meaning that Hamas already has forces practicing these scenarios and knows how to execute them when ordered.”

She emphasized the gravity of the situation, warning that “we will not be able to provide a long enough warning to prepare for preventing the event” and urged officers to “think about formulating coping strategies for when the event actually happens to minimize the damage.”

Despite the sergeant’s desperate plea, all the officers who received the email dismissed her warnings.

The IDF has since responded, saying that internal operational investigations are ongoing to learn from the events of October 7 and draw lessons for future combat. The findings will be made public once the investigations are complete.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Every single high ranking officer in the IDF, Shin Bet, intelligence unit, etc. every single one of them should face trial for high treason followed by execution.

  2. The article doesn’t note why they dismissed her warnings. It implies that they did so because they didn’t believe it would happen. The obvious truth about the evil Zionists is obviously – and very wickedly – different than that implication.

  3. Sad! I wonder what would happen if such a sergeant would have gone to the media with her warnings? I imagine she’d have been court martialed but perhaps it would’ve forced the sleeping military brass to do something! Who knows, it’s way too late now.

  4. No worries
    The same “errors” are continuing to happen because it’s the same lowlives running the show (no one was fired)

    Bibi and the Likud are incompetent leaders

  5. Not the heroes to killed the terrorists should go to prison but the many high ranking officers who knowingly dismissed all the warnings about the imminent attack need to be sentenced to lengthy jail terms.

  6. @y2r
    It so happens that the army is run by left leaning Herzi Halevi and his camp.

    I would contend that any failure, far from being the responsibility of netanyahu, is actually the responsibility of Halevi and his lefty ilk, who refuse to identify the enemy for what they are.

  7. HaKatan, I never agreed with you but I do agree with the point you are making here. I said from the day of Oct 7 that those in power, in the Israeli government and the IDF, KNEW that this will happen and did nothing to prevent it for political reasons and to “have an excuse” for the world and for the Israeli leftits why they “can finally” go into Gaza to destroy the terrorist infrastructure. The blood of Jews are worth nothing to them in comparison to “world opinion”. But you are wrong regarding them being “Zionists”. They are not Zionists, they are anti-Zionist leftists. Sorry, but the days of leftist Zionists are over, these days these people are secular leftists anti-Zionist Israelis.

  8. They won’t reveal anything until they can claim “righteousness” for being “transparent”, but not responsible.

    Like a couple of years ago they suddenly woke up about the whole story regarding the Yemenite, Morrocan and Yaldei Tehran cases.

    Once out their way, and beyond being responsible, they’ll suddenly wake up and “care”…

  9. @philosopher,

    That is what they want you to believe, but it is the BIGGEST lie about zionism today.

    Rav Chaim Brisker – the Brisker Rav famously said, “the zionists don’t shmad to make a medina, they want to make a medina to shmad”.

    Lehavdil elef havdalot, the heretic dr. cherzel yemach shemo vezichro, himself writes in in his books, what the purpose/aim of zionism is, based on an old Russian parable:
    A Count (poritz) found a good friend of his doing a misdeed, and was in a quandary. From one side, he needed to punish him, but from the other side, he was his friend.

    So he turned to his friend and said, what I am going to do is, give you a bow-n’-arrow, with one bow ONLY, not more, and I’ll place an apple on your sons head. You need to aim at the apple, if you manage to aim the apple, good, if not, then you recieved your punishment, – but remember, only one arrow!

    And so, being a marksman, the father managed to aim at the apple, missing his son by a hairsbreadth. When the poritz came to congratulate him, happy that his son was ok, he noticed that the father had another arrow, upon realing this he became incensed, I told you only one?! To which the father replied, the second is for your heart, and shot at the poritz killing him.

    So too, said cherzl ym”sh v”z, zionism has two arrows: The first for the success of zionism, and if it misses, the second is for the breast of the maushel (maushel was the Germanic anti semitic epithet name for a Jew, similar or worse to Zhid in Russian..).

    40 years ago, to be able to shmad, they came with force, and before that with playing on the emotions of innocent survivors of WWII.

    Today, they come with the face of “inclusion”, “leftism”, wokeism etc.

    Ask yourself, is it not funny that all of a sudden, elal became so “understanding” to religious Jews, or that suddenly they care about religious Jews being able to work etc…?


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