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“DIRTY JEW:” Israeli MK’s Grandmother, 88, Assaulted By Arabs In Paris

The grandmother of New Hope MK Sharren Haskel was assaulted by Arabs in a Paris suburb, Haskel revealed on Wednesday.

The 88-year-old had left her home for an appointment when two Arabs attacked her, punching her in the face, breaking her teeth, and knocking her to the ground. They then kicked her in the back while she lay helpless on the ground, yelling: “Dirty Jew, dirty old woman” and “This is what you deserve.”

The woman, whose name was not revealed, filed a police complaint following the incident.

“Antisemitism in France has been on the rise for a long time,” MK Haskel wrote on X. “Since October 7, it has become unbearable, and the government of France is ignoring it and allowing blood libels to spread against Israel, leading the Jewish community to suffer from violence, rape and murder.”

Haskel urged Jews living in France and other communities abroad to move to Israel, saying she has little faith that French authorities will properly address the surging antisemitism.

“The Israeli government must wake up and lead the fight against this exploding antisemitism,” she wrote. “Jewish communities around the world are an integral part of us, and we have a great responsibility towards them.”

“There should be more civilian initiatives like the ‘Jew hate database’  in America. It is far more effective than anything I’ve seen until now in having a price tag against racism.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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