WATCH: HaRav Zilberstein & The Twins Born Healthy After His Bracha

A moving event took place on Friday at the office of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein at his kollel in Holon when a couple from Beit Shemesh and their close relatives excitedly entered his office pushing two strollers.

The story began several months ago when an obstetrician informed the couple that the twins the mother was carrying have several defects that pose a risk not only to their lives but to the life of the mother. He told them in no uncertain terms to end the pregnancy. The couple consulted with another doctor, a more senior one, and he also advised them to end the pregnancy.

The couple now needed halachic input – they consulted with HaRav Zilberstein, who is an expert in medical halachic issues. The Rav sent them to an even more senior doctor whom he trusts.

The doctor that HaRav Zilberstein recommended carried out several tests but ultimately agreed with the other doctors that the pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life and must be ended.

The couple returned to HaRav Zilberstein and told him what the doctor said. The Rav asked: “Where do you live?”

“Beit Shemesh,” they answered. The Rav replied: “There are many children in Beit Shemesh who need help. Choose a child and help him – with his learning, do chasadim with him, and in this zechus you’ll see nissim.”

The Rav also quoted the words of the Gemara in Masectas Bava Basra: “חונן דל מלוה ה’, אשר מי שמסייע וחונן דלים, הקב”ה כביכול נהיה בעל חובו לפרוע לו.” HaRav Zilberstein added: “Give a lot of money to tzedaka, daven hard, and b’ezras Hashem, you’ll experience many nissim.”

The couple was shocked. They repeated the warning of the doctors that the pregnancy was dangerous for the mother. However HaRav Zilberstein reiterated his advice, adding: “Don’t worry, you’ll have many nissim and b’ezras Hashem, you’ll have healthy twins. After they’re born, bring them to me and we’ll thank Hashem together for the nissim you experienced.”

The couple left, a bit shaken but determined to hold on to their emunas chachamim and fulfill the Rav’s recommendations.

Several months later, the mother gave birth to healthy twin girls, with the medical staff utterly shocked at the outcome. One of the senior doctors told the parents: “It’s a neis you didn’t listen to me.”

After they were released from the hospital last Friday, the couple hurried to visit HaRav Zilberstein, who greeted them warmly and with great simcha. Those in the room sang Chasdei Hashem, Ki lo Samnu and HaRav Zilberstein signed a dedication in two siddurim, one for each twin, writing in each one: “To the bas Yisrael who was born b’chasdei Hashem.”

Afterward, all present emotionally recited Mizmor L’Todah, thanking Hashem for His overwhelming chessed.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. If 3 doctors including one selected by a posek, say that the fetus is a rodef and the mother’s life is at risk, is not an immediate abortion mandated by halakha? This story seems to be contrary to basic halakha!

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