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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 9/2/08


*13:20 – Arabs hurled rocks at a bus on the Adam-Hizme Road from Yerushalayim to Shomron. No injuries.

*A bomb detonated near Erez Crossing on the Gaza border early Tuesday afternoon. There were no injuries reported.

*Authorities arrested an Arab man at Shilat Junction near Modi’in, who attempted to steal a tractor and then drive in the opposite direction of traffic. Police fired at the vehicle, compelling the driver to halt. Police report it was not an attempted terror attack.

*An indictment was handed down in the Haifa District Court on Tuesday against an Israeli Arab from Shfaram for allegedly planning to murder IAF pilots, scientists and senior university lecturers.


*Heavy damage reported in the Monday night fire in Ohel Yaakov Shul in Elad. Police suspect the fire may have been the result of an arson attack.

*Supreme Court Justice Salim Jubran on Tuesday issued an order preventing the demolition of the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva terrorist’s home in Jerusalem. The petition demands the IDF produce documentation proving the terrorist was a member of a terror organization.

*Former Shas leader Rabbi Aryeh Deri still weighing options regarding his inclusion in the Jerusalem mayoral race. Degel HaTorah’s Rav Ravitz stated Deri is a fitting candidate.

*An IDF tracker assigned to the Egyptian border area allegedly earned extra funds assisting smugglers. He was indicted on Tuesday.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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