AFTER DEATH OF BABY: Israeli MD: “Why Do Parents Who Love Their Children Expose Them To Deadly Diseases?”

Photo by Peter Oslanec on Unsplash

A five-week-old infant from the Jerusalem area whose mother refused to get vaccinated for whooping cough during pregnancy died of the disease about a week ago. Two days later, a seven-year-old girl from Netanya, whose parents refused to vaccinate her against tetanus, was hospitalized in the pediatric intensive care unit at Laniado Hospital after contracting the serious and excruciatingly painful disease.

Ynet reported that the lowest vaccination rates against whooping cough are found almost exclusively in Jerusalem and in religious and Chareidi communities outside the capital.

The report quoted Dr. Maurit Beeri, a pediatrician and the director of ALYN Rehabilitation Hospital for Children and Youth, who slammed parents who neglect their children by refusing to vaccinate them.

“Unfortunately, these incidents can no longer be considered rare,’ she said. “In recent years, we’ve seen a trend where people re-evaluate expert recommendations and make decisions without informed knowledge. When it comes to preventing infectious diseases, we see a decline in vaccination rates, especially within certain population groups.”

“We must remember that these things spread and endanger us all,” Dr. Beeri warned. “If we used to call it ‘Dr. Google,’ today it’s ‘Professor TikTok.’ Everyone has their agenda and platform with wide reach. Since COVID, instead of expressing gratitude for vaccines that saved us from lockdowns, people have become more emboldened to refuse vaccinations for other diseases as well.”

“People don’t differentiate between new and old vaccines. When we talk about routine vaccinations for infants, these are vaccines with data from millions of children. We’re talking about diseases that have almost disappeared from the world. I’ve been a doctor for 30 years and have never seen a case of tetanus. It’s a terrible disease, causing excruciating pain. Children in developing countries still die from it, and it’s entirely unnecessary. I grew up in a place where there was hysteria over tetanus from every rusty nail, but today we’re in a different place.”

“Tetanus is a dreadful disease, causing indescribable suffering, and it’s entirely unnecessary. Have you ever woken up at night with a muscle cramp in your leg? Have you ever pulled a muscle during physical activity? Now imagine your entire body, all at once, cramping up. Everything contorts in different directions. You can’t move. Every finger stiffens to the point of breaking bones. You can’t even scream because your jaw is locked and your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth. Breathing is difficult. This is how children died before the tetanus vaccine was invented, with terrified eyes and no ability to call for help. This is a description I read in books. I never saw it because the children who played outside and fell and got injured were vaccinated.”

“We see every day that expert opinions no longer mean anything. Everyone’s opinion is considered equally valid, and there is no regard for someone with acquired knowledge compared to anyone else who raises any claim. Conspiracy theories don’t affect only healthcare; they affect everything related to the society around us.”

“I grew up in a world where children weren’t strapped into car seats, and most of us survived. But I work in child rehabilitation, and I see the children who weren’t strapped in car seats. I also see the children who come in with various diseases that can’t be prevented. I tell everyone: prevent what you can. You don’t understand what happens to a family with an injured child or, chalilah, a child who has died. It’s hardship, it’s suffering, it’s terrible. You don’t want to go there. Don’t take such risks; it’s not worth it. It’s unnecessary.”

“I’m really angry. What is wrong with you – parents who surely love your children – when you neglect them and allow them to contract diseases that have already been eradicated? When you feel like protectors of your offspring by refusing to vaccinate them because you think you know better than everyone else? When you fear very rare complications and leave them exposed to much more dangerous diseases?”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

30 Responses

  1. It’s precisely the over 20 balatant lies (yes, I can list each one) expressed by PublicHealth officials on Covid vaccination that has lead to an all time low trust in more safer legacy immunization.
    I never ever questioned vaccines until now.

  2. The way the frum world has become anti-vaccine is a disaster. Foolishness that started with misinformation about COVID vaccines has now spread to other important vaccines.

  3. These “parents” are morons.
    The same morons who won’t get their children vaccinated against Measles or Polio. Imbeciles.

  4. I agree with this doctor 100%. How an am navon vechacham has started behaving is such ignorant ways is beyond me, but it is the case. You have people who never took a science class in their lives, speaking against proven science. What ignorance! And they’re proud of that ignorance too! The frum world is full of anti vaxxers, alternative medicine and other primitive anti scientific views. But then, when someone chas veshalom becomes ill, they only turn to the best doctors. Even regarding the COVID vaccine, which was developed quickly and wasn’t perfect, as this doctor stated, lives were saved! My case of COVID was so mild due to being vaccinated. Yet I know people who refused to be vaccinated and R”L passed away. The rampant ignorance is criminal! The anti vaxxers endanger us all because they bring back diseases which are rare or were eliminated. Doctors and Science are not out to get us!! Yes, mistakes are made, yes, there is greed, but there are some things that were proven to help and the ignoramuses among us think they are smarter than any experts.

  5. The author here is 100 percent correct. But the medical establishment lost a lot of credibility during covid. So people are challenging everything they are told.

  6. They make it seem so simple . Take this magic shot and all will be well. First off never a mention of the many individuals who are damaged from vaccines. Yes, they exist although they’re ignored.
    Second off, why do they pretend the pertussis shot even always works?
    The pertussis vaccine does give some additional immunity for whooping cough for babies but only partial protection
    According to one specific study
    Vaccinated mothers had a rate of 82 per 100,000 infants with pertussis
    Vs unvaccinated moms who had 157 per 100,000 babies
    Yes, it’s double, but
    A. It’s fatal in approximately 1 in 100 of those who catch is making death rare (usually in preemies)
    So this shot which may actually harm the mother, (one of my relatives got two new allergies, eczema, and mood changes shortly after receiving this shot) and the risk is so low that many moms feel that for the risks are not worth the benefits.
    They can dent vaccine injuries all they want. We all saw many many people get injured from covid vaccines and none of them acknowledged. So why would they acknowledge these injuries either?

  7. It’s deeply insensitive to blame parents for the tragic loss of a child. Absolutely uncalled for.
    Readers- take this story with a grain of salt. Past experience has proven time and time again that these sensational stories are not the complete story. They will spin the facts to suit their narrative.

  8. The definition of insanity to the same thing again and again and again…

    YWN doing it again… remember when you guys promoted with the same enthusiasm to c19 shot, now to give him not only does it not provide any immunity whatsoever and only causes the unnecessary heart damage and sudden death.

    Read up on the ridiculous shot given pregnant woman it does nothing to protect the baby efficacy is zero…. As for whooping cough there’s a simple treatment for whooping cough using Dr Susan Humphries vitamin C protocol, but doctors will never promote it.

  9. It is indeed sad that parents are not taking these simple and absolutely proven means of protecting their children, but this pompous “expert” demonstrates exactly why this is happening. We all saw that he and his fellow “experts” are full of garbage, we saw how they imposed tyranny on us, suppressed effective treatments, and then blackmailed us in to taking an unjustified risk on a “vaccine” that they knew was never even expected to prevent the virus from spreading, so they blew all their credibility.

    Their predecessors worked for a century to build up credibility, and they blew it all. Now only a fool would trust them on anything. So low-information people don’t know which vaccines are בדוק ומנוסה and which are not, and they have nobody trustworthy to ask, so they take a guess and get it wrong, or they decide, reasonably, that שב ואל תעשה עדיף, with tragic results.

    You can even see this guy’s own words, that he expects people to be grateful for the evil Wuhan “vaccine”, because it supposedly “saved” us from lockdowns that were themselves a crime against our liberties.

  10. It is outrageous that most doctors in Israel as well as the press do not report on all of the deaths and injuries caused by the COVID shots they pressured the public to take. While the other vaccines (which at least are vaccines, versus the COVID gene “therapy”) may not be as damaging as that, there is a great deal of evidence that overall, they cause more harm than good. The problem is that much of this evidence is suppressed by the powerful Pharmaceutical companies and the government agencies in many countries (and worldwide through the WEF) who gain from selling these vaccines. For example, I have read that there is a great deal of evidence that SIDS is actually a result of vaccinations, but there has been a cover-up of that, just like there has been a coverup, or at least attempted coverup, of problems resulting from the COVID shots. Shame on Yeshiva World News for spreading these lies or distorted truths.

  11. @Milhouse You’re nearly echoing my above posted sentiments. It’s really sad that laymen have to now become “buyer beware” baki’yim on Virology & Immunology as the trust has nearly all evaporated due to all the bad government decisions in the past 3 years. Worst is fellow MDs stupidly followed their anti-scientific dogma including centuries proven fact called natural immunity.

    Anyone who does not understand that:
    1. EVERY SINGLE medical intervention caries deadly or life altering risks (be it Tylenol or a jab). So risks vs benefits must be weighed. Personally I’m more scared of Pertusis than the risks from adjuvants in the dTap vax,
    2. The huge difference between relative and absolute risk reduction. The former is what’s currently used to approve most of these non-placebo control group inoculations found in our immunization schedule,
    …has no business lecturing anyone on this subject.

    I was hoping the dems would’ve elected someone like RFKjr to help fix or bring public attention to this colosal mess.

  12. Ynet is one of the most religious-Jew-hating news outlets that currently exists.
    They look with a magnifying glass for any kind of news tidbits against Charedim and publish it in bold, front headlines. Sadly, YWN takes their bate.
    This is a sad story and now we need to smear an entire community for it. We need to blame. The more we blame the less tragedies will happen.
    There are no numbers or statistics attached to this article. Just a despicable, likely false, generalization of a g-d fearing and hard-working community.

    “Ynet reported that the lowest vaccination rates against whooping cough are found almost exclusively in Jerusalem and in religious and Chareidi communities”

    Shame on YWN for using Ynet to quote anything regarding chariedim. They are a bunch of leftists who hate religious people. Not looking to get into the topic of pro/anti vaccines. Just want to point out that not every news outlet needs to be spread further. ESPECIALLY if they are known to bad-mouth frum people.

  13. Hi All, I grew up in a home that vaccinates but my wife has unfortunately been affected by two side effects from a certain vaccine. We therefore have consulted with our Rav (who is a pro-vaxxer) and our Doctor. We were advised not to vaccinate. Yes, it’s a difficult thing to do, especially after reading the above posts where parents were called nasty names for not vaccinating. All I can tell you is – don’t judge other people. I have no clue what goes on in other people’s lives. Yes, some people have been effected by vaccines and therefore have to take a different route. Let’s all accept each other and not blame or call names.

  14. Please folks, know that NEBULIZED HYDROGEN PEROXIDE is an amazing cure for whooping cough. Someone I know who doesn’t vaccinate had SIX kids with whooping cough at once, plus the mother who had been vaccinated. They set up two nebulizers, as one wasn’t enough. They were all completely done with the disease in a week. NEBULIZED HYDROGEN PEROXIDE works for all lung infections. Google it to find the correct way to do it

  15. YWN now would be the time to tell the oilem how much money you were paid by the government to “advertise” covid shots.

  16. as many have said, statements and news articles from doctors and media lack credibility because they put agenda over facts.

    This article and this doctor should, as a matter of course, recognize that all medical treatments involve risks and are not always effective. Instead, you have a doctor say “my hand could have stopped this!” disregarding those who have died and been injured precisely because of medical treatments pushed with the same one-sided confidence.

  17. No, they wo’t mention how many stillbirths, retarded children being born or defective births are direct results of one of, some or even all the above vaccines.

    They’ll go running to tell you, oh yeh there is always an exception to the rule, and there will be someone out there for whom it is dangerous, but most should take it (since when do Jews believe in such an ideal r”l), but they’l never consider, that maybe things are the opposite, maybe it is dangerous for most to take it, but there is always an exception to the rule, sometimes being the rare case of someone that should take it (though i’d doubt that).

    I have heard of to many stories, but to be reliable, a very close friend of mine, who refuses to give vaccines to his children, and so does his wife refuse to take before birth, and that stems from one of their children being born retarded due to vaccines, and were told so, but due to endangering others that need to, it was impossible and “wrong” to write down this as the cause of the defect at birth.

    Another friend of mine had a stillbirth.

    But the masses of “exception to the rule”s and “single cases” will remain so, as it stands in the way of the money makers.

    No it is not a conspiracy theory, it is simple truth, and now they are playing with the emotions of the public.

    Has anyone attempted to find out if there is another side to the story of the unfortunate deaths of those to youngsters a”h, or are you all just relying on doctors with major negiyot in the whole story….??

  18. @Deenaf, shame on you for proving correct my point which I posted previously! You think that you are some sort of expert because you read some conspiracy theory that there is a great deal of evidence that SIDS is actually a result of vaccinations. Who is behind what you read? Did you do any research? Why in the world would doctors want to hide that vaccines are behind SIDS? In my lifetime I have seen a decline in cases of SIDS B”H, but an increase in the amount of vaccines given to children (which I’m not delighted about either.) How do your expert conspiracy theorists explain that? I’ve seen greedy doctors. I’ve seen incompetent doctors. But as a group, doctors want to help us and would not hide evidence of harmful treatments. Why do so many frum people sound so ignorant, quoting unknown ignorant sources?!? Shame on you!

  19. Thank you, YWN. Even if one person does something about it, it was not a waste of a post. Chaval that most anti-vaxxers are so stubborn (and ignorant)! so it’s hard to turn them around… Hashem should watch us all.

  20. After I read some of the other comments, I will have to apologize to Deenaf. I see she is not the only one who should be ashamed of believing unfounded conspiracy theories. There are many other commenters who should also be ashamed of themselves. As I mentioned before, so many in our supposedly smart nation have fallen for total unfounded ignorance. Deenaf, you unfortunately have many partners in your ignorance club. Unbelievable!

  21. lakewoodbubby:
    I hope your emunah in Hashem is at least as good as the emunah you have in modern medicine. The truth is that it can’t be so, because the Torah tells us that shochad blinds people, and doctors are certainly meshuchad, even if they mean well. And as that doctor said, and as other commenters noted above, once they lied so much and so hard about the Covid shot, that destroyed the innocent trust that people had in medicine. Maybe they should have thought about that before destroying people’s lives with mandates (and all the injury and worse caused by those treatments).

  22. “infant from the Jerusalem area” is a convenient way of saying “an Arab infant”. When did the parents seek medical help? After it was too late?

    Every parent should give their children all the vaccines which have been confirmed safe in long-term double-blind inert-placebo trials. Oh sorry, there’s not a single routine vaccine which has undergone those trials.

    And lakewood bubby: Yes there are studies that most SIDS cases occur within 2 weeks of a jab.

    By the way, its mainly elderly people who die from tetanus, and the vaccine doesn’t last for more than a few years, so I wonder if all you people shouting about infant vaccines are up to date yourselves

  23. “It’s deeply insensitive to blame parents for the tragic loss of a child. Absolutely uncalled for…”

    Actually, it is not insensitive at all. Parents are clearly entitled to believe whatever they want and make judgements regarding vaccinating their kids. Likewise, they have only themselves to blame if those kids are sadly niftar from what most of us believe are entirely preventable outcomes. Medical and public health experts are not infallible but but in the vast majority of cases, following their advice will prevent or mitigate most adverse mortality/morbidity events.

  24. This is not alarmist or anti charedi. It simply true. I have a few friends and relatives in tipat chalav. They plead with parents to vaccinate. And the vaccination rates are far lower. Sometimes because mother’s are simply too busy/have too much on their hands. This is why some nurses will accelerate vaccine schedules, to seize the opportunity to protect kids when the mothers have a minute to get out to tipat chalav. And many times it’s because their Rav or neighbor told them not to. This is well known in the community.

  25. Blaming under-vaccination on “covid vaccine credibility” is not logical – lower vaccination rates were there before covid and are similar to other communities that are under-educated. So, it is more a symptom of what is happening in our communities. This is not a Jewish tradition, where from Shmuel to Rambam, Jews acquired and developed science and medical knowledge.

  26. Another problem to keep in mind – washing hands after bathroom in a sink for food and dishes causes Hepatitis epidemics. This info is from a frum NYC epidemiologist.

  27. I have a son who was a breath holder. I was advised at Tipat Chalav not to vaccinate for pertussis, for various reasons it was considered risky. In those days (36 yrs ago) women were not inoculated during pregnancy for pertussis . Imagine if I was… not saying anything would have happened to him, but just imagine…. just saying…

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