HaRav Zilberstein To Kollel Members: “There Are No Funds To Pay You”

HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, who serves as the Rosh Kollel of Beis Dovid in the city of Holon, was forced to inform his kollel members that he can no longer pay them a monthly stipend.

The step follows the revocation of funds to yeshivos and kollelim in accordance with the decision of Attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara and the Supreme Court.

HaRav Zilberstein wrote in the letter that the “kupas hakollel” is empty…and whoever remains in Kollel Beis Dovid should know that unfortunately there are no funds for stipends. And Hashem Yisbarach should do good with those who show goodness to talmidei chachamim.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. this is why its so important that gevirim donated to that $107 million fund, you see we must follow Daas Torah

  2. The lubavitcher rebbe z”l once told a congressman that there is so much surplus of food in USA – which gets thrown away – and it might be wise to use it for charitable causes. The congressman later suggested that the Rebbe gave her the initiative to start the WIC program, which she did – actually gave the credit to the Rebbe!. I’m not here for rebbeshe politics, nor am I Chabad CHosid – but using this to klal Yisroel in wake of this:

    I’m not being dan ANYONE but we should nake a cheshbon hanafesh (including myself) of how much money we throw away by living this fashioable and extravagant lifestyle. I’m not giving examples; the overall idea of overspending is REAL and the money can be used for these situations that threated our torah learning.

  3. Those who don’t need the support will continue their studies without interruption. Those yungerleit who need supplemental income will have to find a part-time job in the interim until the religious party MKs andaskanim who manage the kollels resolve the government funding issues or find new sources of revenue.

  4. @ywn, can you leave a link of where to donate, and how much the monthly stipend is, so people can send money for this month’s check

  5. so, the kollel had less than a week of savings and no other sources of donations except Zionist government? If this was based on the reasoning that Hashem will provide, you then need to accept Hashem’s decision. It is not the end of the world of the kollel chaverim will work 1-2 days a week to support their own learning for remaining 5 days a week/

  6. @Lakewhut The private doner funds are merely a good start. The terrible Zionist State has actually been the largest funding source for Torah learning by a huge margin. For decades!

    A further thought, Derech Hatevah $117 millions raised privately last week by the visiting Gedolim is only a stop-gap measure. Without the Israeli state putting in the lions’ share, we will need much, much more and we will need similar fundraising repeatedly every year just to maintain much smaller learning numbers. Or… we will have to make some major and very hard choices as to which Bochrim and Avreichim get funded from the limited funds available.

  7. The Chazon Ish say it to be important to have Torah learning for protection. Did he mean ALL yougn lads, I cannot say but the government wants NONE to learn…

    Zionism at it’s best (worst).

  8. Something seems off.
    The government only cut funding for students that are of draft age.
    The older students continue to receive the regular government stipend.
    As far as I know, HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein’s kollel is for older talmidei chachamim.

  9. Any frum institution that relies on funding from the Zionist government is inherently at risk, as in fact is any frum institution, anywhere, that is relying on funding from non-frum sources. The American saying is that “If you pay the fiddler, you get to call the tune”, which in a frum context means “If you fund the frum institution, you can tell them to what to do”. In the case, the secular funders (the Medinah) told the kollel to learn less and shoot more Arabs. The solution is not concentrate on fund raising from non-Medinah sources, and use the Medinah’s funding (which is there as a “bribe” to frum political parties not to make trouble) only for non-essentials.

  10. “They may have to make some major and very hard choices as to which Bochrim and Avreichim get funded from the limited funds available…”

    Duhh? Obviously, you prioritize available funds to serious learners and don’t keep wasting money on subsidizing those who fraudulently claim to be shteiging and those with marginal performance.

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