US Condemns “Shocking” Footage Of Palestinian Tied To Hood Of IDF Vehicle [VIDEO]

The US State Department has strongly condemned a “shocking” video showing a wounded Palestinian man tied to the hood of an Israeli military vehicle in the West Bank over the weekend.

The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows a Palestinian man, reportedly wounded during clashes with Israeli forces, being tied to the hood of a military vehicle and paraded through the streets. The incident has drawn international condemnation, with many calling it a clear violation of human rights and international law.

“This practice is absolutely unacceptable. Humans should never be used as human shields. The IDF should swiftly investigate what happened and hold people accountable,” US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said during a press briefing.

Miller acknowledged the IDF’s statement, which described the conduct as inconsistent with military protocol and announced an investigation. However, the US has made it clear that stronger action is needed to address this incident.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

13 Responses

  1. The poor terrorist who kills children and abuses women – the jihadist who has no regard for any law other than his own- this animal must have his rights protected? I’m sorry has the world gone mad?

  2. And what about the videos of HAMAS parading hostages to show off what they captured on Oct 7?
    Did anybody hear the US also ‘strongly condemming’ that?

  3. Who cares

    Israel needs to tell them, this is how we treat animals who try to kill us. Let them think twice before hurting us!

    In related news the State Department is demanding all Nazis get food water and electricity

  4. Wrong…

    See chasam sofer how Moshe didn’t want to sacrifice animals in Egypt as we don’t believe in EVEN psychological torture. We are yidden and need to do our job in Gaza but these things are deplorable.

    If you want to argue the rabbi, go ahead. He wasn’t a lover of those that looked to harm Jews either.

  5. “Humans should never be used as human shields.”
    Huh? What? Come again? Has Mr. Miller been living under a rock? Is he even remotely aware of what the Palestinians are doing at this very moment?! Thanks Joe Biden.

  6. The Jews were not commanded to psychologically torture the Egyptians? Why then were they commanded to tie a shipselleh to the bed all Shabbos hagadol?

  7. This entire story is an obvious lie and fabrication, and lacks appropriate context.

    It doesn’t even make sense – how could Israelis use the body of a terrorist as a human “shield” against terrorists who don’t care about increasing civilian deaths!


  8. Whether it really happened or its a fabricated picture, we must remember that Jews are always much greater scrutiny than goyim. And the US administration has no problem castigating Israel for any little thing they inntheirvwisdom and supreme ethics deem unacceptable. Frankly, ban the cameras from military activities. Its safer that way.

  9. besalel:

    That was because Hashem commanded this. Moshe answered Pharoh when Pharoh suggested that they slaughter animals in HIS land…

    We take torah seriously and when Hashem decided that we need to slaughter their IDOL, we did it. Period.

    Hashem hasn’t told us to apply tourture or “death” (in some cases), to other people. NOTE: I’m not implying Hamas or Gaza innocence but there are many such reports that Israel DOES NOT answer for. Americans have challenged Israel to answer for some actions (yes, many people in the IDF are not moral) – Israel failed to answer for the majority of accusations.

    Israel has one right: To protect and defend. Do your job as you need to – nay extension, needs G-d’s permission as a direct order; not Bibi or the courts…

    Sorry if this doesn;t sound nationalistic but we are Jews first; Israelis, second.


    Think as a Yid, please… Figure it out on your own. Nobody has the right to do more than the action demands. If Israel can clearly answer some good reasons for these things, go ahead.

    If like many said it was a rescue mission, OK. I don’t know all the circumstances as I’m not there. We need to think on our own when we cross the line of our obligation to eradicate evil OR becoming evil ourselves. I don’t see anything wrong with my non-nationalistic answers.

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