TERROR IN ISRAEL: Israeli Man Murdered In Qalqilya

An Israeli man was shot to death in his car on Shabbos morning in Qalqilya, a city in the Palestinian Authority.

The man was identified as Amnon Muchtar, H’yd, 67, from Petach Tikvah. Following the shooting, Arabs set his car on fire.

Ynet reported that Muchtar, H’yd, was known to many of the store owners in the city as he had been buying fruit and vegetables from them for about ten years for his fruit and vegetable stand in the Petach Tikvah shuk.

Muchtar, H’yd, left behind his wife, five children, and grandchildren.

Following the incident, a large number of IDF forces entered the city.

The victim’s car that was set on fire. (Social media).

(YWN’s Jerusalem desk is keeping you updated after tzeis ha’Shabbos in Israel)

6 Responses

  1. This week Parsha parshat shlach is talking about chet meraglim… and how it’s terrible talking about Israel. And I understand it. The Torah is also talking about the repercussion, of veim at mitzvotie tishmoru. The guy went shopping on shabos in a place that’s muad leporanus. He knew it all along that he is risking his life, the real problem is that the economy in Israel is simply a “ money sucker and there is no way around defeating it. So no it’s about the bigger people or the biggest fruits, it’s about the “unpredictable Fiscal fiscal monetary policy” Israel faces each year and causes chaos, Ad Kadey that a person is willing to risk his life to save possibly hundreds of percentages of shekels just that he will have parnasah Beshefah. He could’ve gone to an Israeli farmer on a regular weekday

  2. הי”ד
    יהי זכרו ברוך
    Sugya: You just couldn’t resist, eh? Instead of offering your sympathies upon the murder of Amnon Muchtar HY”D, you had to judge his character and find it wanting.

  3. Ari Knobler: Instead of publicly criticizing a Jew who keeps shabbos, go and read the Hakdomoh to hilchos shabbos in the Mishna Brurah by the Chofetz Chaim…….

    Is the Chofetz Chaim ‘judging peoples character’?

  4. Sugya: Classic crybully tactics. You push others down and then play the victim when called out for your behavior.

    First, you are using a nom de plume, so your “public criticism” charge is a nonstarter.

    Second, I stand by what I said.

    Finally, anyone who insults a fellow Jew who has been cut down by a terrorist – before they have been buried, mind you – and suggests that it was laxity in Shabbos observance that did them in, is essentially saying that they got what they deserved. Such a person is אוממענטשלעך and אַכזריותדיק. The gas chambers and crematoria were operational 7 days a week. As the son of survivors, I find the lack of basic מענטשלעכקייט that has led to your sanctimonious judgmentalism to be repulsive, abhorrent, and totally un-Jewish.


    This is so vital. If you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. No wonder Rav Papa said: אַגְרָא דְבֵי טַמְיָא — שְׁתִיקוּתָא

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