ISRAELI YESHIVOS IN CRISIS: HaRav Hirsch To Establish Historic Fund After Shavuos

HaGaon HaRav Hirsch. (Shuki Lehrer)

In the wake of the decisions of Attorney-General Gali Biharav-Miara and the Supreme Court to revoke the budgets of yeshivos with talmidim who are eligible for the draft, yeshivos are facing an unprecedented financial crisis, which is growing worse and worse. Meanwhile, the Attorney-General is currently holding talks on canceling all subsidies for yeshivah bochurim, avreichim, and even at-risk Chareid youth.

A number of baalei tzedaka suggested an outline to HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch for the establishment of a special fund that will raise huge sums and cover the funds being revoked by the government.

After weeks of discussions, HaRav Hirsch agreed to the establishment of the fund and will serve as its Nasi.

B’Ezras Hashem, the Rosh Yeshivah will travel to the US immediately after Shavuos, Chag Matan Torah, on a historic trip, that will begin with HaRav Hirsch delivering the main speech at the Lakewood Yeshivah’s Adirei HaTorah event.

In addition, a special event will later be held which will be attended by additional Roshei Yeshivos from Eretz Yisrael along with prominent baalei tzedaka, at which the establishment of the fund will be officially announced.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. What does it help if the money comes from the people that believe in the same Zionist protection of Jewish religion you can’t consider yourself as having something like a merit or virtue if the wrong people are paying for it no wealthy people in our day that did not make the money from false persuasion that’s how most gelt is made thus not great people

  2. While this is a welcome, tit is a shame that agudah in Eretz Yisrael didn’t follow their own gedolim and rabbanim, who openly again and again warned them not to EVER rely majorly more than 40% on zionist funds, as one day they will use it as blackmail.

    Besides, for those who were willing to take the hardship at the time years back, and struggled than see their fruits now, as the Chachamim say “Yagati U’matzati Ta’amin”.

    The Satmar Rav set up Keren Hatzalah then (several offshoots have sprung up over the years), that help and fund mosdot that don’t take money from the evil nazionist state.

    Keren Hatzala still accepts new applications/petitions etc, irrelevant of mesorah, minhagim, which part of klal yisrael, ‘connections/protektzia’, only one stipulation:
    You don’t take money from the evil zionists.
    Today, there are thousands of Schools, Yeshivot, Sems, Chadarim, Kolelim, Sefaradi, Ashkenazi, Chassidish etc that all rely upon this fund.

  3. This will likely bring us much closer to the geulah sheleimah with the disappearance of Zionism and its “State”, as Zionism loses the only merit has to exist – the little support of Torah it currently does even while it shmads and destroys Torah on a massive scale never seen in history.

  4. Clearly Biharav Miara ימח שמו וזכרונו suffers from short memory & has forgotten that he spent more money in 1 night on iron dome with Iranian scuds than all the money that would be going to Yeshivas. Yet he never thought twice about this expense, just like he wouldn’t think twice about replacing carpet in Kensset or an Israeli embassy, if the carpet would get stained.

  5. Hashem does not need their filthy money, just a shame that the general population will be deprived of the zchus of supporting Torah.
    When will these reshoim arurim realise the country is only safe through the torah? Has the Simchas Torah massacre, the failed Gaza war and the ongoing terror in the north not taught them a lesson yet?

  6. I read today that the brisker Rav was more concerned about giyut banim than banot. The banot he knew would be moser nafshom al kiddush hashem the banim he wasn’t as sure

  7. @HaKatan “…it shmads and destroys Torah on a massive scale never seen in history.” I don’t remotely disagree with what you’re saying, but – have you heard of America?

  8. A few accurate points
    The isreali government supports torah on a massive scgovernment, it’s is a huge zechus kiyum, many 100,s of million a year when u count all the dif types of support (As one small example shuvu is 75% funded by the gov,)

    In addition 90% of the money in such a keren is from the same pool of givers as adirei hatorah, the Mir, shuvu, shisha….all the admorim and their courts need to give their own first
    Samar and Karen hatzolah is not 1000,s of mosdos at all it is a respectable number of millions but they are not covering budgets of the mosdos its more like a nice pesach sukkos checks

    Most gedolei Yisrael viewed the government support as a zevhus for the fryer even if there shud ALSO be some mosddos that don’t take like to chazon ish etc
    Ps adirei hatorah is struggling very much

  9. The problem is not that the olam haTorah could go bankrupt h’v (haaron noseya et nosav!) but the that clal living in the medina will lose its zechuyot, exactly when it needs them the most

  10. 147
    We don’t say יש״ו on a fellow yid. (Except for ישו himself) even if we think they’re very bad people they’re still fellow yidden. ישראל אע״פ שחטא ישראל הוא. And I’m not a Zionist. Not in least. So don’t even go there

  11. NaNachIsntBreslov:
    America is a medinah shel chessed, even as the world “culture” (everywhere, or almost everywhere) rapidly decays. It respects religion and is still essentially a Christian country. Zionism, on the other hand, respects only religions other than Judaism and actively seeks to replace Judaism with Zionist idolatrous nationalism and (worse than) gentile culture.

  12. Hmm, didn’t we just have an article that attracted ALOT of attention regarding the Mosdos in AMERICA in a MAJOR crisis. And there were “no easy solutions”. But the gevirim do have huge sums of money to send to Mosdos in Eretz Yisroel?! Does עניי עירך קודמים not apply here?? In general; since this massive inflation has hit, there are so many families struggling right here in good ole USA. Again – if there’s enough money to support Mosdos in Eretz Yisroel (that’s no pocket change!) shouldn’t the needs of the local tzibbur be addressed first?

  13. Continued…. to clarify more – Regarding the Mosdos in MAJOR crisis right here in America, it was written in the article that the gevirim are struggling too. So how is there the huge sums necessary to support Mosdos halfway across the world??

    Please answer logically without attacking. Yes, of course I understand the need to support Torah. But why should LOCAL Mosdos be closing down due to lack of funds and LOCAL gevirim are sending fortunes of money to Eretz Yisroel? Seems wrong.

  14. @meir G,
    I am not sure if your ignorant comment was made from ignorance or from spite for Satmar, but they do in fact not only support, not only help with shabbat and yamim tovim, but are actually the sole funders of thousand of mosdot in Eretz Yisrael, whether you like them or not…

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