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Russian Pressure Led To Sign Of Life From Hostage Sasha Trufanov

Pressure from Russia was the catalyst that caused the Palestinian Islamic Jihad to release a “sign of life” video of hostage Sasha Trufanov last week, a Ynet report on Wednesday based on diplomatic sources revealed on Wednesday.

Trufanov, who holds Israeli and Russian citizenship, was abducted by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Oz with his mother Yelena, and his grandmother., who were released in November. His father was murdered in the assault.

Yelena Tropanov was invited to Moscow for a meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov along with the parents of Alex Lobanov and Andrey Kozlov after a request was made by The Hostages and Missing Families Forum. Hours after the meeting, the video was released.

The Russian embassy in Tel Aviv issued a statement shortly after the video was released, saying: “We maintain constant contact with the families of all Russian nationals who are being held as hostages including Tropanov’s mother, grandmother and fiancée. Together with them, we share the hope for the return of all our citizens in the near future.”

“Thanks to the consistent efforts of the leadership of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Russian diplomats and the Russian military in cooperation with the Israeli government, three Russian nationals and other Israelis were released. Russia continues to work toward the quick release of all civilians held hostage in Gaza.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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