Lieberman: “We’re On The Way To A Holocaust”

Avigdor Lieberman addresses the press at a party meeting. (Screenshot)

Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman said on Wednesday morning that Iran is planning a holocaust for Israel in another two years.

Speaking in an interview with Army Radio, Liberman began with one of his characteristic attacks: “Apart from spouting slogans, Netanyahu did nothing on the Iranian issue – the failure there is bigger than on October 7.”

“We are amid an Iranian extermination plan,” Lieberman said, adding that Iran will soon have nuclear power, which will then provide it with the deterrence needed to attack Israel within two years.

“Israel will be attacked with the aim of destroying it from several fronts with tens of thousands of missiles at the same time. They are planning a holocaust for us in the next two years.”

“They are working there on a comprehensive attack plan on Israel. It’s not a secret, they don’t hide it. We’re on the way to a holocaust.”

Earlier this week, Lieberman was interviewed on Radio 103FM and made similar statements: “First of all, the State of Israel must understand that Iran is planning an all-out attack within two years, the entire axis of evil against the State of Israel.”

He elaborated by saying that it will be “a coordinated attack from Iran itself, from Lebanon by Hezbollah, from the Gaza Strip by Hamas, from Syria by Shiite militias from Iraq, from Yemen by the Houthis, and of course, they will try to flare up Yehudah and Shomron for us as well.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The biggest holocaust is done by the Jewish haters of torah and Judaism like Lieberman.
    Millions are being deprived of the minimal Jewish education their grandparents davened for.

  2. no news here…
    שבכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותינו, והקב”ה מצילינו מידם

  3. Unless the Zionists are incompetent, they have a strategy of “Mutually Assured Destruction” (sometimes called a “Masada complex) and the growing anti-Semitism will make it much easier for Israel to go to extremes necessary to deter an attack (countries in which elite universities students call for genocide against Jews are not a deterrent, any more, to Israel striking out against enemies).

    Even excluding things that are pure sci-fi, such as steering an asteroid to crash into Iran, Israel has the capacity of using weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear weapons, inter-continental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), and bio-chemicals.
    And if Jews are fleeing major western countries, Israel has no incentive not use them if threatened.

  4. Liberman is strong on defense but his major weakness is his failure to respect the Charedi. He need not become Charedi, of course, but he is well advised to learn to respect the Charedi and the great value that they bring to Israel and the world.

  5. Yes sir Mr Lieberman is correct The first Holocaust was caused by the Zionist and the second Holocaust is brewing also being caused by the Zionist

  6. Man the Zionists are sure wearing that word out these days. If it doesn’t already it will mean nothing soon.

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