WATCH ALARMING VIDEO: Teen Hospitalized After Being Attacked By Pack Of Dogs In Beitar

A Chassidish visitor to Beitar Illit was chased by a pack of dogs in the early hours of Shabbos morning as he was walking from the mikvah to shul.

A resident of the city told B’Chadrei Chareidim that the teen had to be hospitalized after the ordeal as the dogs had bitten him. The incident occurred on Rechov Rabbi Akiva at about 6:40 a.m.

Another resident said that the frightening phenomenon is nothing new. “I work at night and it’s just scary. Packs of dogs roam the city unhindered.”

The Beitar Illit municipality responded: “These are wild dogs that roam around the city. The municipal veterinarian is working to prevent them from entering the city but unfortunately, there are cases where they manage to enter.

“Unfortunately, the Ministry of Agriculture creates many difficulties in poisoning wild dogs that pose a threat to residents. These shocking images that we see now are chilling. We will continue to act to put an end to this dangerous phenomenon.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. Nebach. This video is so scary. “They are continuing to act to act to put an end to this dangerous phenomenon “… according to the municipality….obviously they didn’t do anything. They don’t chas v’sholom want to shoot the dogs….

  2. At least the dog returned his jacket. A word of advice, carry chicken or meat bones and the dogs will get distracted.

  3. I think the main part of the video is missing where you see some good guys coming to the rescue at the end. if you look closely

  4. “the Ministry of Agriculture creates many difficulties in poisoning wild dogs that pose a threat to residents…” didn’t know Israel is one the mad countries who put the welfare of animals before the one of humans.

  5. Poor kid! The trauma is unbelievable! If only he hadn’t run: although that is probably the best way but when being chased, who thinks rationally! Poor kid!

    A dog has great difficulty jumping onto a car and not slipping off.

  7. 147,

    Wow, you write like a true apikores! How dare you write that the words of Chazal no longer apply?! I’d love to know your name so I can ensure I always keep a safe distance from you.

    don’t be “conned” by that concept?!! Wow, just wow! Scary words to write. Do Teshuva – and fast!

    If you have a question on the words of our holy Chazal, ask you Rov. My guess is you don’t have one to ask though.

  8. 147 what a silly comment, BH he was lightly injured you should be ashamed of yourself I wonder what kind of chinuch you received, learn some missuer seforim

  9. 147 says what a silly comment, BH he was lightly injured you should be ashamed of yourself I wonder what kind of chinuch you received, learn some missuer seforim

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