PHOTO GALLERY: Rav Shaul Alter Shlit”a Inspiring Thousands As His US Visit Continues

Rosh Yeshivas Ger HaRav Shaul Alter is continuing his brief visit to the U.S., having already been Mechazek thousands of people – with additional events for the public to see, hear and meet with the venerated Gadol planned for the week ahead – including this Shabbos in Boro Park.

Shacharis from Rav Shaul’s first Shacharis in the U.S. during his current visit, in which he served as Sandek for a Bris and made a L’chaim for a Bar Mitzvah boy’s Hanochas Tefillin. 

On Wednesday, Rav Shaul delivered a Shiur to the Yungerleit at Kollel Pnei Menachem in the Lizhensk Bais Medrash in Boro Park. 

The Rosh Yeshiva visited Yeshiva Yagdil Torah where he met with and spoke to the young Talmidei Hayeshiva

Rav Shaul later attended a Werdyger family Sheva Brachos, where he gave Brachos to the newlywed couple

On Thursday night, Rav Shaul delivered a Shiur to more than a thousands people in Eminence Hall

Events with the Rosh Yeshiva will be held all of this Shabbos at The Palace, 780 McDonald Avenue. Details below.

One Response

  1. Unfortunately it didn’t work out to meet this Rabbi, but ב”ה I merited to meet Rabbi Leo Dee on his extremely important חיזוק trip to USA this past week

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