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Hezbollah Prepared To Continue Conflict With Israel For Up To Another Year, Reports Say

Hezbollah is prepared to continue the war until the US elections and possibly until next spring, according to unnamed sources quoted by the Lebanese news agency El-Nashra.

On Friday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech to commemorate Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who died last week. In his address to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Nasrallah promised “more surprises.”

These surprises, as reported by El-Nashra, are weapons that Hezbollah has not yet deployed. The terror group will reveal these weapons only if Netanyahu “miscalculates” and escalates the war.

Additionally, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reports that Hezbollah possesses long-range precision missiles and Russian-made anti-aircraft missiles with Iranian modifications. The group is also training to ambush Israeli patrols, surround them with fire, and conduct operations on Israeli soil, including capturing IDF soldiers.

Hezbollah’s current strategy, according to Al-Jarida, is to increase military pressure on Israel to induce domestic pressure on the Israeli government, forcing Netanyahu to negotiate for a truce.

The report also mentions that all possible scenarios were discussed in Tehran last week during Raisi’s funeral by leaders of Iran-backed terror groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis.

Sources close to Hamas and Hezbollah told Al-Jarida that Hamas will maintain a strict negotiating position, refuse to make concessions to Israel, and not release hostages until Israel stops the war and withdraws its troops from the Gaza Strip.

The two terror groups reportedly believe that Washington will increase pressure on Israel to end the war as the US presidential elections approach.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. As the Zionists have made clear in both words and action for over a century, including during WW II, Zionism cares only about Zionism, not Jewish lives. If they did care about Jewish lives, then they would beg the gentiles to take over and let them fight the Arabs (if the Arabs would still fight).

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