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WATCH: IDF Finds Primed Rocket Launchers In Egyptian Border Area

The IDF on Wednesday said that IDF forces operating along the Philadelphi Corridor in the Rafah area found loaded rocket launchers.

The launchers, which were prepared to fire at Israel, were found in eastern Rafah near the Egyptian border.

The forces destroyed all the launchers.

IDF forces have taken control of over half of the Philadelphi Corridor, the border area between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.


Since the beginning of the operation in Rafah, IDF forces uncovered over 700 tunnels in the city, including 50 colossal tunnels the size of motorways that cross into Egypt. There is no chance that Egypt was not aware of these tunnels.

Additionally, CNN revealed earlier this week that Egyptian subterfuge had torpedoed any chances for a hostage deal as a senior Egyptian intelligence official had duped the US and Israel by secretly making changes to the deal they approved before presenting it to Hamas.

Furthermore, while the world blames Israel for the “humanitarian crisis,” in Gaza, Egypt continues to refuse to open the Rafah crossing to allow aid into the Strip and heavily secures its border to ensure that not even one Gazan refugee enters its territory.

Edem Wosornu, Director of Operations and Advocacy Division at the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, told the UNSC earlier this week that “the Rafah crossing remains inaccessible for humanitarian cargo, fuel, and personnel movement. Around 82,000 metric tons of supplies are stranded on the Egypt side of the crossing with food spoiling and medicines expiring. Fuel shortages, meanwhile, impact the functioning of bakeries, hospitals, water wells, and other critical infrastructure.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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