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IDF Strike On Terror Position In Lebanon Kills Hezbollah Official

The Israeli military confirmed that it carried out strikes against facilities in southern Lebanon’s Najjarieh, which were used by Hezbollah’s air defense unit. The strikes, which occurred in the coastal town south of Sidon, targeted compounds that the IDF said were used by Hezbollah’s air defense array and posed a threat to Israeli aircraft.

According to the IDF, several Hezbollah terrorists were gathered at the sites, which were located within a civilian area, putting the lives of civilians in southern Lebanon at risk. The IDF emphasized that it will not tolerate any violation of aerial operational freedom and will operate to defend against any threat.

Hezbollah announced the death of one of its members, Hussein Khader Mahdi, from Najjarieh, following the strike. Sources also reported that two Syrians were killed in the strikes.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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