RARE PHOTO: Why Did Prime Minister Netanyahu Put On Tefillin?

Israel will soon mark Yom HaZikaron amid an excruciatingly painful year as the many Israelis who were murdered or fell in battle against Hamas are mourned.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday posted a photo of himself on his X account donning tefillin, writing: ״וְרָאוּ כָּל־עַמֵּי הָאָרֶץ כִּי שֵׁם השם נִקְרָא עָלֶיךָ וְיָרְאוּ מִמֶּךָּ״.

“Ruchama, the mother of Moshiko (Moshe) Davino, H’yd, who fell in Operation Protective Edge, brought me his tefillin.”

“The tefillin that were with him all the time amid the battles are the only thing that survived the inferno in which Moshiko fell. The smell of gunpowder still lingers on the tefillin cover.”

“I promised Ruchamah that I would put on the tefillin l’ilui nishmas Moshiko and l’illui nishmas all our fallen ones.”

“That’s what I’m doing today with חרדת קודש.”

“יהי זכר חללינו ברוך ונצור בליבנו לעד.”

Staff Sgt. Moshe Davino, H’yd, 20, was an infantry soldier in the Givati Brigade from Jerusalem. He was killed on July 28, 2014, in a battle in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

30 Responses

  1. Even bigger זכות for fallen soldiers & families thereof as well as for the Prime-Minister that laying these תפילין inwards אשכנז

  2. Bibi: much admired, but please continue to do so daily, both לע”נ ALL fallen soldiers and terror victims but also as a זכות for the safe return of a ALL hostages and the protection of ALL Israeli soldiers.
    Also לע”נ your late brother killed in Entebbe.

  3. When this mechallel Shabbos does teshuva and puts on Tefilin six days a week, let us know.

    This is just a political act.

  4. One of those very rare cases where I’m in total agreement with R’ Yosef. There was obviously a photographer nearby and he realized this stunt might be expedient for a politician know to be a chazer-eating, mechalel shabbos opportunist. Our hearts go out to the Davino family and ALL the hostages who we can only hope will be liberated soon.

  5. @HolyMoe: Yes he is a lefty (so Yad Keha would be his right).
    As far a policy, he’s clearly ambidextrous without principal kowtow to whomever in order to stay in power, no different than this mere photo-op.

  6. I’m,

    And you let us know when you have finished rectifying everything you need to work on. Don’t judge others so quickly. קשוט עצמך….
    It’s not a political move at all. What’s political about promising a fallen soldiers mother he’d put on her sons Tefilin?

  7. Come on fellas, if you see something nice, say something nice!

    Mitzva goreress Mitzva!
    May this kiyum mitzva bring on many more.

  8. If you need to theorrize why he is putting on tefillin or say something negative, keep quite, and be Dan L’kov Zechus,that he is just putting on tefillin whichis a mitvah. It is no different theh the amazing working Chabad does in trying to get yidden to put on teillin in years to out it on at least one more time. There is no doubt that we are living in the time of Meshiach’s arrival, but how can he if even with what’s going on we take every chance we can to insult, belittle, and speak hurtfully about other Jew.
    The terrorists and antisemtites do not differentiate between Orthodox, conservative, and reform, so why are we. The torah speaks about B’NEI YISROEL, nor bnei orhtodox. It’s about time that we not only continue to daven for Mashiach, we put it into active practice as well.

  9. Total fake propaganda by Netanyahu.
    Netanyahu is a psychopath and a rotzeiach who bragged in an interview with Jordan Peterson that he medically experimented on the Israeli populace with the covid kill shots.
    He is a mass murdering Nazi. Yemach Shemo



  11. ujm,

    And you let us know when you have finished rectifying everything you need to work on. Don’t judge others so quickly. קשוט עצמך….

  12. Halevei, Halevei, Halevei, every secular politician would be willing to put on tefilin even for a photo op (which I don’t believe this is exclusively being done for)

    Can anyone imagine Bernie Sanders or even Jerry Nadler (who was once went a Yeshiva student) agreeing to put on tefilin for a photo op?

  13. As the Reb Aharon Kotler zt”l biography mentions, an am haaretz farmer put on Rav aharon Kotler zt”ls tefillin while Rav Aharon was staying in his house. The farmer later appeared to Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l ina dream and said that he received gan eden for that one time he put on tefillin. I hope Netanyahu gets gan eden for this. And I hope it leads to a full teshuva.

  14. UncleMo, let’s not equivocate. Everyone has issues, but hillul shabbos is so severe, it carries the death penalty in Judaism.

    “The terrorists and antisemtites do not differentiate between Orthodox, conservative, and reform, so why are we. ”
    Because terrorists and “antisemtites” are not our rabbis, and we don’t learn about who is a Jew from them.

  15. Let’s say say he didn’t have the 100% Intention LISHEIM MITVA. Well, not all good deeds that we do have a sole Intentiy for the sake of Hashem. We also sometimes (many times) intefier personal Interests in the good deeds we do. pur sages teach us ‘MITOICH SHELOI LISHMA BO LISHMA’. And who knows maybe he did it solely Lisheim Mitzva.

    After all, The massive kiddush hashem that he achieved is astonishing.

  16. In this week’s parashah the Torah commands us bitzedek tishpot amisecha – we MUST judge people favorably.
    So why the unnecessary criticism?

  17. >>>Cuz hes a sick attention seeker. Hope its pasul tfillin so it didnt become stained from his טמא body.

    Someone who hopes that the tfilin another Yid puts on are posul is a Soney Hashem who has no chelek in Olam Habo. See Rabenu Yonah in Shareey Teshuva.

  18. לעולם יעסוק אדם בתורה ובמצות שלא לשמה וכו
    ואין עברה מכבה מצוה

    He should wear one day per fallen soldier/civilian….
    If someone starts a campaign to raise funds for Bibi’s tefillin please post it here. I’d love to donate generously.

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