“NEVER AGAIN IS NOW!”: Netanyahu Vows to Defend Israel Against Enemies at Holocaust Remembrance Day Ceremony

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a powerful address at the opening ceremony for Holocaust Martyrs’ and Heroes’ Remembrance Day at Yad Vashem, vowing to defend Israel against its enemies.

Eighty years after the Holocaust, Netanyahu emphasized that Israel will not rely on others for its defense, stating, “No amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum, will stop Israel from defending itself.” He pledged, “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone.”

However, Netanyahu expressed gratitude for the support of “countless decent people around the world” who stand with Israel’s “just cause.” He concluded with a resolute message, “We will defeat our genocidal enemies. Never again is now!”

The ceremony commemorated the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust, and honored the heroes who fought against the Nazi regime.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. The heretic Zionist leader is propagandizing as always (the “Never Again” line, the fake yarmulke on his head, etc.). If not for the Zionists, the Holocaust would not have happened. And even once it did happen, the wicked Zionists lobbied governments against allowing Jews into their countries because that was against the interests of Zionism.

  2. Thank you, Prime Minister Netanyahu.
    In the face of criticism and opposition from all sides, may you be blessed from Above with strength.

  3. It is fascinating to see members of the Israeli and Jewish establishments borrowing “Never Again”, which as a slogan was closely associated with R. Meir Kahana and the Jewish Defense League in the mid-20th century.

  4. Joseph,

    Pot, meet kettle. You fancy yourself the husband of multiple women, a talmid chacham, posek, semiconductor engineer and nuclear physicist.

  5. Hakatan, you are a filthy heretic, who are you to pretend to understand the ways of the Almighty?? Go live in your goy country and see if any of them stand up for you when it happens there. You’re a disgrace of a Jew, if you even are one.

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