Report: No Lag B’Omer Event In Meron This Year, To Be Declared Closed Military Site

Israeli rockets fall on Lebanon's air defense system in Baalbek on Monday. Mispallelim at Meron during Hezbollah's barrage at Har Meron on Tuesday morning.

About three and a half weeks before Lag B’Omer, the IDF recommended that the Lag B’Omer event not take place this year due to the numerous Hezbollah attacks on Meron in recent months, Ynet reported on Wednesday morning.

This past Motzei Shabbos, Hezbollah launched dozens of rockets toward Har Meron and rockets fell on the roads leading to the tzion of the Rashbi. In recent months, hundreds of rockets have been launched at the Air Force control base on Har Meron.

The Meron site is expected to be declared a closed military site over Lag B’Omer, May 25th-26th, to be enforced by Israel Police and military police.

An official in the war cabinet told Kikar H’Shabbat: “There won’t be a hillula this year on Lag B’Omer in Meron. No one will take the risk of rocket launches at Meron while thousands are celebrating there.”

Kikar also reported that senior officials in Netanyahu’s office sent messages to the Jerusalem Ministry and the Religious Services Ministry that they should not prepare for the hillula as it will not take place due to the security situation. A similar message was also delivered by Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs.

An IDF spokesperson stated in response to the Ynet report: “In accordance with the latest operational assessment, the IDF recommended to the relevant authorities the cancellation of the Rashbi events on Har Meron which would take place on May 25-26, 2024. There are no further changes in instructions for the home front.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. Of course, it’s so obvious.This was going to happen as it’s a religious event
    Let me see them dare do the same thing with something non religious

    Anybody could say whatever they want but if they know how it works here in israel this is obvious

  2. According to all those Achronim that hold that ninety percent of the Zohar was not written by the Tannah Reb Shimon, and many even hold that none of it was written by Reb Shimon, we don’t know anything. So perhaps his Kever is not in Meron either. And perhaps his Yartzeit is not on Lag Bomer either.

  3. Considering that ל”ג ב”עומר is on מוצאי-שבת, hence ב”ה there shall be no חילול-שבת among police & security staff, to be ready in time for ל”ג ב”עומר.
    More importantly, I hope that this יום-ירושלים the כותל doesn’t become a military closed zone

  4. ader
    And would hold that perhaps you need to look deeply at your core when mesorah about lag baomer was celebrated for centuries by yidden worldwide. I’d be ashamed to write such a comment.

    Are you frum?

  5. There is a war on, and the other side has weapons that can easily zero in on Meron. And in case you didn’t hear about it, the other side really prefers to kill civilians rather than getting into a fight with the Israeli army.

  6. after,

    Gedolim of all stripes have celebrated Lag B’Omer as the hillula of Reb Shimon for probably north of 1000 years. They probably should’ve checked in with you first 🤔

  7. a good jew;
    the israeli government are no great ztadikim, even the right.
    However, there is no compariosn between Yom Yerusholayim (and other events) to Meron. In case you have not between following the news, many direct hits have been scored in the north. There is currently no system that is capable of deflecting missiles sent from such close range. Meron it high risk. And if there are large crowds, it is 1) more likely to be targeted and 2) it is much more dangerous if it IS hit.
    BTW, as much as the Zioyim hate anything to do with Hashem and His Torah, they are still very eager to enable the Hillula on Lag b’omer – the revenue it brings in is huge, especially foreign dollars. So they think twice before cancelling it.

  8. Please all commentators here, I know the urge to answer @ader, but he/she is obviously a kofer, being kofer in part of the Torah, and therefore should not be answered.
    Shame on YWN that they allow open kefirah on their site.

    @akuperma, notwithstanding the fact that both hamas and hezbollah are terrorists and terrorist organisations, with a clear head, I’d like to point out something to you. Please use a clear head and read it not with emotions, rather with sechel:
    If you’d look closely, you’ll notice a very poignant difference between hamas’s and hezbollah’s methods:
    hamas just shoot around like a bunch of wild I don’t-know-whats.
    hezbollah, although terrorist, you’ll notice that actually, they attack 100% of the time military targets.
    I do not remember if even once one hit a civilian target (it may have I don’t remember, so pls don’t go wild that I am minimising anything- I simply don’t remember, but please write how many actually did, would be helpful for me!).

  9. Ader, there are no Achronim who hold that 90% of the Zohar is not from Rabbi Shimon. Some portion of it is clearly not, but nobody of any significance claims anywhere near 90%. Those who hold none of it is from Rabbi Shimon are not Achronim at all, but stam kofrim, like you.

    However, UncleMo is also incorrect: Lag Ba’omer has been celebrated as Rabbi Shimon’s hilula (wedding) for well south of 1000 years. Nobody knew that Rabbi Shimon was buried in Meron, or that Lag Ba’omer is his special day, until the Ari Zal revealed these things. The Ari Zal received all his knowledge from Eliyahu Hanavi, so anyone who denies it is a kofer; but before his day nobody knew any of it.

    Lakewhut is correct that, as a general proposition, it’s more important to learn than to dance, and yet on Simchas Torah we close the Torah and dance with it. Everything in its own time. It also depends on the individual, both in terms of how much learning he would get done if he didn’t go and in terms of how much going will improve his learning when he gets back.

    Perhaps the best idea is to stay in the beis medrash, and at the time of the celebration in Meron take a break to dance in the courtyard while imagining you are there, and then go back to the seforim. Rabbi Shimon himself would probably tell you not to interrupt your learning at all.

  10. @milhouse
    The Ari Zal received all his knowledge from Eliyahu Hanavi, so anyone who denies it is a kofer;
    For Your Information.

    The vilna goan held that NOT all of Arizal comes from eliyahu hanavi .
    Thats why he is holek on arizal in many pratim.
    That was one of the nekudot hamahloket between baal hatanya and the vilna goan .

    So it is will be hard to claim that someone like that is a kofer….

  11. @yankel berel,
    That is actually incorrect.
    I am not sure where you take your information regarding the differences between the Vilna Gaon and the AriZal, but it is totally irrelevant and only is diverting from the point.
    A machalokes between the Vilna Gaon and the Arizal regarding specifics in the limud of Kabbalah and it’s interpretations, is irrelevant and unrelated to the topic of HaTana Rav Shimon Bar Yochai’s kever.
    Just to clarify things:
    The Vilna Gaon argues in not one place with the Arizal in regards to the makom kevurah of the Tana Rav Shimon Bar Yochai, (just to note, most (all?) kevarim in Eretz Yisrael from before the Arizal’s time were revealed by the Arizal, and have been accepted across the board by all Gedolim, Chachamim etc from all the kehilot kedoshot, whether it being Sefardim, Ashkenazim, Chassidim, Temanim, Arabian etc etc, besides for the occasional generational fringe wacko kofrim who are never happy to follow Torat Moshe, and new better ever since the erev rav joined klal yisrael when they left mitzrayim.

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