Kiryat Yovel Residents Protest Chareidi Yeshiva

Several dozen residents of Yerushalayim’s Kiryat Yovel neighborhood on Thursday protested outside Kikar Safra, Jerusalem City Hall, after security personnel did not permit them to enter the building. The protestors, representing a segment of the Kiryat Yovel population, are opposed to the establishment of a chareidi school in their area, fearing the continuing growth of the chareidi population will increase as a result.

YWN recently reported (HERE) an attack that damaged the Kiryat Yovel and adjacent Kiryat Menachem’s mehadrin eruv, part of the opposition of staunch secularists opposing the area’s growing chareidi population.

At City Hall, the protestors attempted to gain entry to a city council meeting to express their opposition to the planned school.

Recently, a protest by downtown store owners against the construction of the light rail resulted in stormy meeting, compelling the mayor to flee via the balcony (reported HERE on YWN). It appears that this time around, the mayor’s security team was not taking any chances.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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