Ohr Yehuda Mayor Targets Chareidi Yeshiva

YWN spoke with Rav Nachum Boyer on Thursday afternoon, who is affiliated with Yeshivas Birchas Yitzchak in Ohr Yehuda. The story is indeed sad, since the villain appears to be the mayor, David Yosef, not a non-Jew and not a foreign government.

Rav Boyer explains that the yeshiva today Baruch Hashem numbers almost 300 talmidim and at present, the students are living in abhorrent conditions in caravans, but they are committed and plan to stay no matter what the future brings. The yeshiva was founded some 20 years ago by Rav Yaakov Friedman, who toiled to bring Yiddishkeit to the city, and he succeeded, Rav Boyer points out.

The former mayor, Yitzchak Bakovza, saw the institution for what it is, realizing it is an asset to his city. As such, he decided to give them an empty school, giving them the foundation for a permanent building. The yeshiva has since been working in earnest to raise funds, and it has already invested over NIS 1 million in the buildings. Simultaneously, Lev L’Achim has contacted the yeshiva, asking for some space, which they were granted of course.

Lev L’Achim is slated to use the kindergarten building, a separate smaller structure, and one classroom. Rav Boyer explained to me that the mayor learned of the plan and without any notice or forewarning, sent a bulldozer and destroyed the kindergarten structure totally and damaged the classroom as well as the main building. Lev L’Achim apparently attempted a dialogue with the mayor too, but without success. He remains steadfast in his determination to prevent the growth of the chareidi community.

I asked Rav Boyer if all the municipal permits were in order and he stated with absolute certainty that the former mayor issued all the necessary paperwork and Mayor David Yosef not only acted in malice, but broke the law since everything going on in the buildings is legal. Rav Boyer told me that they have filed a complaint with police and it appears court intervention will be required, further delaying the planned entry to the new structure.

I asked if any MKs were involved, seeking to act as shlichim on behalf of the yeshiva and Rav Boyer explained just a day or so earlier, Degel HaTorah MK Rav Moshe Gafne met with the mayor, but he was unwilling to listen.

Rav Boyer explained Communications Minister (Shas) Ariel Atias is also a graduate of the yeshiva, but no one seems able to assist due to the “hard-line anti-chareidi policies of the mayor”. In addition, Rav Boyer explained if the Interior Minister was sympathetic, he could pressure the mayor fiscally speaking, but Interior Minister Meir Sheetrit has not displayed too much affinity for the chareidi community and he is currently too preoccupied with his Kadima primary race.

In short, the mayor caused significant damage and the talmidim are not going to enter the new building any time in the near future.

 The mayor’s office was unavailable for comment on the story. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

12 Responses

  1. This whole story doen’t make sense.

    When there was a Toeva Parade in Jerusalem, Mayor Lupolianski said he was powerless to stop it.

    This mayor seems to have dictatorial power to do anything he pleases.

    Let’s get the whole story here. Is Israel a lawless anarchy?

  2. I dont get the editorial tone of this article. Should it not be first determined if the students are living in genuinely abhorrent conditions? If the conditions are such, it is the mayor’s responsibility to require the standards be raised according to code. If the conditions are not abhorrent, then the yeshiva is being harassed.

    If, heaven forbid, something happens, then the mayor’s office will be liable.

    More journalistic research is needed here to support the editorial tone of this article.

  3. All you guys are obviously out of touch with what happens in EY. It is a long ongoing pattern that wherever Lev LaAchim comes to the authorities try everything to stop them.
    If you think this Mayer would speak to YWN then you are really so so out of touch —

  4. My experience has taught me that information from the Orthodox world if far more reliable than the Leftist, “objective” MSM.

    Can you trust AP, Associated Palestinians? How about the New York Slimes? Tachas Haaretz is where it really belongs.

    Do the posters here have the same questioning attitude when it comes to anti Chareidi articles from a very biased press? My reading of the postings here dictates otherwise.

  5. I understand – with Agriprocessors we must hear both sides of the story; with
    this story just listen to one side – our side. Good journalism

  6. to #3 “Is Israel a lawless anarchy?”
    –ah, I see you are into “dan le-kaf zechus”

    to #7 “Can people here possibly see why the residents of such a town mught be aprehensive about having chareidim amongst them? ”
    — it is easy to understand, we’re the niggers of Israel – so why are we shocked that they treat us the way most Americans until recently treated Blacks (they were “Negroes” back then).

  7. akuperma:

    1) Your tone is offensive.

    2) Africans sat on the back of the bus, while you sit on the front! If you chose your busses to have the back to only have men, you would have the same result with less hate being sent towards you. I would not want forced seperate seating, bleachings, muggings in the name of G-d and other lawless activity in my neighborhood, and neither would any other person.

  8. MDSchweks (no. 5) is right. Both ShuVu (Russian Orthodox Jewish)and Chinuch Atzmai schools get flak from mayors of secular towns when they try to establish new schools.

    The secular Israelis are terrified of the “demographic explosion” of Hareidim in Israel, who will comprise over 25% of the kindergarten population in a few years.

    They are desparate to suppress the growth of Torah schools at any price, even to the point of bulldozing them down (a-la Arab terrorists). They use technicalities as an excuse.

    The secular Government authorities often look the other way when these bullying tactics are used.

  9. to #10:

    “Your tone is offensive.” – so are the secular Jews

    “Africans…” – I’m not sure what you are referring to. I am referring to a so-called “Jewish” state that systematically marginalizes Orthodox Jews, in a matter similar to how the United States historically marginalized Blacks. The bigotted treatment of Orthodox Jews by the secular elites, while shocking to someone raised in the post-WWII civil right traditions of the USA, is quite predictable if one understands how the hiloni perceive us.

  10. What is the OTHER SIDE OF THE STORY?? Were all permits REALLY in place? If so,they will win in court. They should get a bulldozer and take down the mayor’s house,if nothing else works.

  11. to all those who cry shoddy journalism, read the last line of the article, it seems adequate: “The mayor’s office was unavailable for comment on the story”.

    If anyone has other details, you can post them here. If you find this story misrepresented due to its unbelievable feel, they obviously don’t live in Israel.

    To 7, 14, this is not about chareidim moving in, but giving local families a place to educate their children with morals and without violence.

  12. to all those who cry shoddy journalism, read the last line of the article, it seems adequate: “The mayor’s office was unavailable for comment on the story”.

    If anyone has other details, you can post them here. If you find this story misrepresented due to its unbelievable feel, they obviously don’t live in Israel.

    To 7, 14, this is not about chareidim moving in, but giving local families a place to educate their children with morals and without violence.

    This is an example of what the Gemara says that preempts the tainos of the umos ha’oilom liusid lavo. They will come clamoring for their share in the zechus of all the Tora that they were toimech but will get nothing because all was done for their own benefit. vhamein yavin, tshuva l’minim v’…

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