Petition to Halt Army Radio Shabbos Broadcasts

radio.jpgThe Land of Israel Legal Forum has taken its pro-Shabbos efforts to the Supreme Court, this time against Galei Tzahal (Army Radio). According to the petition, the army’s radio station compels military personnel to broadcast on Shabbos and this is a violation of the General Staff directives prohibiting chilul Shabbos not pertaining to military operations.

The petitioners are calling on the nation’s highest court to compel Defense Minister Ehud Barak to explain why he is not enforcing the General Staff directives, and permitting Galei Tzahal and its sister station Galgalatz to violate the Shabbos.

Some of the radio personnel feel the petitioners have another motive, to close down the station, explaining that no one is compelled to work on Shabbos and the religious soldiers assigned to the radio station are released from duty on Shabbos and Yomim Tovim.

The Forum explains that it was a complaint from a frum soldier who was compelled by engage in chilul Shabbos that prompted the petition, nothing more. Forum representative Nachi Eyal explains the petition is not against Galei Tzahal and Shabbos broadcasts, but against the reality that soldiers are compelled to engage in chilul Shabbos in violation of the law and military directives.

“There are civilians employed by the military and others who would and can provide the Shabbos service”, Eyal explains.

Attorney Yitzchak Bam, who filed the petition, explains the nation’s labor laws are not applicable here since they do not include the IDF. “At present, the radio’s broadcast on days of rest is a violation of the law” he points out.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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